Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Alex Riemersma 4 april
2 Outline 1.Mercator team 2.Mercator’s history 3.European perspective 4.Mercator’s current position 5.Research 6.Networking activities 7.Mercator’s ambitions
3 Mercator team
4 Mercator’s history Mercator Education ( ): EU project EU programme and earmarked budget Information and data collection on education in / about regional and minority languages in EU
5 European perspective (1) Fryslân not unique in Europe All European countries are multilingual Fryslân is in the heart of Europe
7 European perspective (2) More than 60 % of EU citizens use more languages in daily life 10 % of European citizens speak a minority language Let us not reinvent the wheel !
8 Mercator’s current position (1) Broadened scope: EU + CoE RMLs + immigrant languages + smaller state langauges Research activities Partner in various European Networks
9 Mercator’s current position (2) European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning Spearhead of the Fryske Akademy Bilingual Fryslân Leeuwarden “hotspot of knowledge”
10 Research Creating knowledge: language transmission added value Applying research results: Minimum Standards CEFR Regional Dossiers
11 Regional Dossiers Series > 40 Update every 5 year Online available
12 Networking activities Network of Schools & Teacher Training Institutes Mercator Network Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity EUNoM
13 Foto fan bern Leafst bern yn de klasse
14 Mercator’s ambitions Development of research activities: - creating knowledge; - sharing and disseminating; - application of research results Focus on Fryslân and Europe (EU & CoE) New partners: NPLD & EUNoM
15 Mercator’s ambitions Fryslân: International “knowledge hotspot” Multilingualism & Language Learning Mercator: European Agency on Multilingualism & Language Learning