Small Learning Communities Larry Tibbs Brennon Sapp ”The Vision” Video The Vision Welcome to Dixie
Our Journey to SOS District Leadership Initiated Discussions –Bill Daggett (Successful Practices Network) –The World is Flat - Thomas Friedman Freshman Academy Establish a Vision Team (School Level) School/Site Visits Conferences Building Ownership within the School Preparing for Implementation Spreading the Word (Public Relations) Curriculum Development Establishing Business Partnership What’s next?
District Leadership Initiated Discussions Rigor, Relevance, & Relationships Many students –Unmotivated –Unprepared for the next level of life, college, work force or vocational 15% of students successful in college How can we reinvent high school to –Motivate all students –Make high school more relevant –Make high school more rigorous –Involve the community/business
Our Schools of Study
The School of Visual/Performing Arts and Media (VPAM) Jobs : –composer –musician –stage director –writer –interior decorator –actor/actress –event coordinator –reporter –artist –photographer –advertisement executive Jobs : –composer –musician –stage director –writer –interior decorator –actor/actress –event coordinator –reporter –artist –photographer –advertisement executive Characteristics: –complicated –emotional –expressive –idealistic –imaginative –impulsive –independent –introspective –intuitive –nonconforming Abilities writing musical artistic
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Characteristics: –analytical –cautious –complex –critical –curious –Intellectual –introverted, –methodical –precise –rational Jobs : –mechanic –aircraft controller –surveyor –farmer –electrician –biologist –chemist –physicist –anthropologist –geologist –med tech Abilities mechanical mathematic scientific The School of
Law, Education, Health & Human Services (LEHH) The School of Characteristics: cooperative cooperative generous generous helpful helpful idealistic idealistic patient patient responsible responsible social social sympathetic sympathetic understanding understanding warm warm Abilitiessocialverbalemotional Jobs: teacher teacher religious worker religious worker counselor counselor psychologist psychologist social worker social worker speech therapist speech therapist police officer police officer lawyer lawyer nurse nurse nutritionist nutritionist physical therapist physical therapist sociologist sociologist
(BIT) Business & Information Technology The School of Characteristics: acquisitive adventurous agreeable ambitious extroverted energetic attention-getting impulsive optimistic popular self-confident Abilities leadership speaking clerical Jobs : salesperson manager business executive television producer sports promoter buyer bookkeeper stenographer financial analyst banker cost estimator tax expert
Freshman Academy Team approach Most critical year Various support programs Used as a vehicle to introduce students to the Schools of Study (Decision point) Freshman Coordinator and a Freshman Administrator Pathways (Advisory)
Establish a Vision Team A group to trail blaze the path to the New Dixie Heights High School –Professional development –Time line/steps –Advocates for change Hand Picked Committee (12) –Teacher leaders –Representative group –Visionaries
School/Site Visits South Grand Prairie (TX) sgphs.gpisd.orgSouth Grand Prairie (TX) Kennesaw Mountain (GA) Mountain (GA) Pulaski County (KY) County (KY) Model Schools Conference –Nashville –Washington DC National Career Academy Coalition Conferences
Building Ownership Sharing of “The Why” Sharing of “The How” Site Visits (yes we took teachers) Job imbedded Professional Development
Preparing for Implementation Professional Development –Two day/district wide –Team of 18 teacher from South Grand Prairie –KDE Support Staff –Business Partners Arrangement of the Building Teacher Driven Change –Surveys –School of Study Assignments –School of Study Development
Spreading the Word “The Vision” – Promotional Video School of Study –Websites –Brochures –Videos –Parent Information Nights To Students –Surveys –Videos –Freshman Academy (lessons, advisory, and posters) SOS Sample Videos
Curriculum/SOS/Moral Development Model Lessons (Group Activity) Flavoring of Core Content Classes (Relevancy) Collaborative Lessons Business/Community Involvement Development of New Electives Summer Retreat (away from school) Use of SOS Lead Teachers
Science Then Three Required Classes –Biology (1 credit-freshman) –Earth/Space Science (1 credit) –Integrated Science (1 credit) Electives –Chemistry (1 credit) –Anatomy & Physiology (1 credit) –Physics (1 credit) –Environmental Science (1 credit) –AP Chemistry (2 credits) –AP Biology (2 credits)
Science Now Three and a Half Required Classes Scientific Investigations (1/2 credit-freshman) Life Science (1/2 credit) Earth/Space Science (1/2 credit) Physical Science (1/2 credit) 1½ credits to be spread out in electives Electives (all ½ credit, save AP Classes) –Chemistry A & B –Anatomy A & B –Physics A & B –Environmental Science –Forensics –Zoology –Astronomy –Chemistry & Community –Oceanography/Marin Biology –Medical Science –Radio Technology –Horticulture –Geology –Meteorology –Anatomy for Artist –AP Chemistry –AP Biology
Establishing Business Partnership Business Partnership Receptions Business Partner Liaison Externships Business Panels Marketing and Business Liaison –Aggressive Marketing –Aggressive Publicity –Yes! We are “open” for business –Lesson Connections
A Business Partner
What Else? Trimesters Continued Professional Development Continued Curriculum Development Continued Morale Building/Support Data, Data, Data & Surveys –hard/soft –young/old –interior/exterior ??????????????