ACSM American Fitness Index™ Actively Moving America to Better Health AFI Community Action Guide Overview
ACSM American Fitness Index™ ACSM American Fitness Index™ (AFI) focuses on: –Health behaviors –Chronic disease –Health care –Built environment –Recreation –School PE Identifies community strengths & challenges
AFI Program Goal Improve the health, fitness and quality of life of Americans by promoting physical activity
Helping All Communities AFI data report includes top 50 metro areas Information can help all communities look at same types of data AFI Community Action Guide companion to AFI data report
AFI Community Action Guide Easy to read Practical Supports community-based efforts to improve health Guide not How-to Manual Links to resources & tools
What’s In the Action Guide? Executive Summary Background about AFI Leadership Coalitions Planning Advocacy Moving Forward
Available Online
Why Physical Activity? 54% U.S. adults don’t get enough physical activity Inactivity doubles risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes & obesity Annual estimated cost of inactivity $24 to $76 billion Modest increase in activity produces great health benefits
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel National Physical Activity Plan identifies 12 states with plans Governor’s Councils on Physical Fitness Councils of Government (COGs) Health departments Parks & recreation departments
AFI Community Action Guide Who Is the Guide For? People interested in: Community health & wellness Physical activity Smart growth Community planning Parks, open space & recreation Youth services Aging services
Leadership Catalysts Engage the community Help recruit coalition Lead policy efforts Help assure sustainability
Types of Leaders: Figurehead High profile name Spokesperson Helpful with networking & opening doors Usually limited time available In-kind support
Types of Leaders: Active Agenda setting Recruiting others Strategic planning Facilitating Resources Presentations Building sustainability
Types of Leaders: Staff Fiscal management Reporting Monitoring Operations Communication Follow-up Primary point of contact
Leadership Game Plan Be clear with what you are asking leaders to do Indicate amount of time needed Identify leaders who can share power Identify leaders who can bring resources to the table
Coalitions Work to achieve shared goals Represent broad community interests Provide unified direction Work from defined objectives
Coalition Functions Community awareness, education & strengthening knowledge Educating policy makers Influencing public & private policy issues Building support for improvements in infrastructure Changing organizational practices
Starting Your Coalition Define goals & objectives Determine who should be involved Set up operational processes
Building Your Coalition Communicate Listen Determine decision-making process Determine how tasks will be assigned Set processes for follow-up & reporting Recognize & celebrate successes
Coalition Pitfalls Lack of clear leadership No plan unclear goals & objectives Focus too broad Poor decision-making process Impatience Poor follow-up Inadequate communication Imbalance in authority Competition or conflict Meetings –Too many –Too long –Hard-to-get to –Too infrequent Not enough funding People turnover & burnout Language & cultural barriers
Planning Provides clear focus Supports monitoring and assessment Facilitates new program development
Planning Elements Vision: Clear, broad, inspiring, easy to communicate Mission statement: Easy to understand, outcome-oriented, inclusive Objectives: Specific, measurable Strategies: How objectives will be reached Action plan: Detail –who does what, when
Needs Assessment Obtaining & analyzing information Determine the status and service needs
Asset Mapping What resources exist? People Relationships Infrastructure Financial resources
Developing Asset Maps Identify community assets –Address –Category –Telephone number –Website Develop spreadsheet listing assets Map asset locations
Wants vs. Needs WantsNeeds We want to build a new park We need easily accessible, affordable, and attractive places where people can be physically active We want more streetlights We need to address safety issues for pedestrians We want to create bicycle lanes We need to make our roads safer for bicyclists, and also consider the needs of motorists
Gap Analysis Review asset maps: Determine strengths & weaknesses What is missing? What is poorly addressed?
Monitoring & Evaluation Helps know progress made toward goals Important to funders Helps measure success Builds trust
Considerations Who will use the information? What is being evaluated? What are the evaluation methods? How will information be gathered? How will information be analyzed? How will information be communicated?
Public Policy Advocacy Advocacy Education Public Policy Addressing and influencing laws, codes & regulations
Rules of Advocacy From the American Public Health Association 1. Get to know legislators2. Get to know staff 3. Identify partners4. Know opponents 5. Build relationships6. Be honest 7. Be polite8. Know processes 9. Be brief10.Follow-up
Moving Forward Chronic diseases attributable to physical inactivity and unhealthy diets are a “clear and present danger” Focus on prevention Address underlying health risks Focus on community interventions