1 Integrated Service Delivery California Workforce System – State/Local Partnership DEFINING and PLANNING the FUTURE WORKFORCE SYSTEM
2 Change Imperatives Respond to Demand and Workforce Crisis Cope with Limited Resources Reinvent Services and Delivery Redefine and Improve Results
3 Workforce System Trends 1. Redefining Mission 2. Responding to Demand 3. Creating a Workforce System 4. Shifting to a Skill-Based System 5. Increasing Impact, Reducing Costs 6. Serving More Customers 7. Changing Service Delivery Paradigms 8. Integrating Service Delivery 9. Developing and Certifying Skills 10. Redefining Accountability
4 Ten Operational Trends 1. Serve More Participants 2. Increase Number in Training 3. Simplify Processes 4. Implement “Paperless” Files 5. Reinvent with Common Measures 6. Integrate W-PA and WIA 7. Shift from Just “Work First” 8. Increase Initial Assessment 9. Develop Skills at Intensive 10. Redefine “Case Management”
5 Integrated Services What is Service Integration? “One”! Unified Purposes, Goals, and Policies Unified Metrics (Beyond “Common”) Customers, not Program Participants Programs Invisible to Customers Silo Programs Managed Back-of-House
6 Service Integration Progression Total Service Integration Integrated Staffing and Resources Integrated Customer Flow Integrated Customer Pool Shared Customers Shared Activities Co-Located Referrals Co-Located Programs Non-Co-Located Referrals
7 Service Integration Goals: Demand-Driven Responsiveness Better Customer Service, Services Increased Number of Customers Expansion of Services Improved Service Access Improved Performance Simplicity of Design Reduced Program Requirements Efficient Use of Limited Resources Equalization of Work Across Staff