The Magic of Exceptional Leadership, Teamwork & Service Doug Lipp G. Douglas Lipp & Associates G. Douglas Lipp & Associates Presented to SIM DFW Chapter March 3, 2008
The Magic of Exceptional Leadership, Teamwork & Service
Confession: There is no “Magic”
Confession: There is no “Magic” It’s Doing Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well
The Challenge of Outwitting, Outplaying, and Outlasting Your Competition
“Be Willing to Change To Remain the Same”
Organizations That Reinvent Themselves Doug Lipp
Organizations That Reinvent Themselves Will Dominate Their Market! Doug Lipp
Maximize Your Potential:
Maximize Your Potential: Overcome the Obstacles
Maximize Your Potential: Overcome the Obstacles Create the Opportunities
The Obstacles
Obstacle #1 Let The “Old Ways” Rule
“Old Ways” Stuck in A Rut We’ve never done it this way Back in the good ‘ol days… That’s their job… What would Walt say?
Obstacle #2 “We’re Soooo Good”
“Soooo Good” Arrogance Complacency The One-Trick Pony
Obstacle #3 Everyone Else is: “A Jerk” “Incompetent” “Too Demanding”
“Everyone Else is a Jerk” Mutual Bashing & Contempt Robotic / Self-Centered Other Person’s / Group’s Fault No Trust / Mud in Middle
Obstacle #4 “Save” Your Way to Prosperity
Save to Prosper Fire the Matterhorn Climbers! Tinkerbell? What’s the ROI? Who Needs Training?
Save to Prosper Fire the Matterhorn Climbers! Tinkerbell? What’s the ROI? Who Needs Training? Don’t Value Your Value
The Opportunities
Opportunity #1 Communicate
Communicate Tear Down the Walls
Communicate Tear Down the Walls Consistency & Discipline
Communicate Tear Down the Walls Consistency & Discipline Words + Actions = Execution
Communicate Hire Right
Communicate Hire Right Train Right
Communicate Hire Right Train Right Treat Right
Communicate To Achieve & Sustain Your Culture
“We have a tendency to live in our own silos”
Core Values
Communicate [Disney Land is]… “The Happiest Place on Earth”
Communicate “The Happiest Place on Earth” “We Improve Peoples’ Lives”
Does Your Culture Reward Creative Thinkers?
The FedEx “Magic 7” Words:
The FedEx “Magic 7” Words: “I Don’t Know, What do You Think?”
Opportunity #2 Observe, Imagine, Deliver
Opportunity #2 Observe, Imagine, Deliver Expanding the Possibilities… …Through Teamwork!
Balanced Teams Can: Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast The Competition
Teamwork Seeing the Possibilities = Outwit
Teamwork Seeing the Possibilities = Outwit Being Flexible = Outplay
Teamwork Seeing the Possibilities = Outwit Being Flexible = Outplay Relying on Your Team = Outlast
Opportunity #3 The World Is Changing… Are You?
Are We Looking At the Same Thing?
When is a Train, Not a Train?
How “Clean” Is Clean?
Survival of the Fittest Lessons From:
Survival of the Fittest Lessons From: Bell Mobility
Survival of the Fittest Lessons From: Bell Mobility Starbucks
Survival of the Fittest Lessons From: Bell Mobility Starbucks P&G
Opportunity #4 Creativity “Disney Style” Know Your Customer!
Opportunity #4 Creativity “Disney Style” Walk In Their Shoes
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer…
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… Solve Their Problems!
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… Solve Their Problems! Prove Your Value!
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… “Where did I park my car?”
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… “When is the 3:00 Parade?”
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… Popcorn Empowerment
Walk In Their Shoes Think for Your Customer… Tigger Teambuilding
Opportunity #5 Life on the Highwire The Best Teams are Balanced Where Do You Stand?
Outstanding Service & Leadership A Balancing Act of: Art & Science Maintenance & Risk-Taking
Opportunity #6 It’s Up to You!
Opportunity #6 It’s Up to You! What Will You: Start, Stop & Continue
Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness Happiness
Mental Toughness Performance Happiness
Mental Toughness HealthPerformance Happiness
Mental Toughness HealthPerformance Happiness
Mental Toughness HealthPerformance Happiness
Short-Term (This Week) Start: Stop: Continue: Long-Term (Within 1 Month) Start: Stop: Continue: StartStop Continue
Lead The Way! Your Employees And Customers Will Follow