Leadership Transitions Eric S. Davidson Associate Director, EIU Health Service 2007 National Conference for Advisors of Peer Education Groups
Why Leadership Transition is Important New leaders will not have to reinvent Organization will be able to start the new year with momentum Previous leaders’ experiences & knowledge will not go to waste New leaders will have knowledge and training leading to increased confidence and help group grow Outgoing leaders will feel a sense of closure
Passing the Gavel Different Methods
The Clean Sweep New Leaders start completely from scratch Everything old is thrown out Traditions, long term goals, rules are thrown out Starting from ground zero
Catch as You Can Old officer dumps everything on new officer No communication about expectations of position occurs No training by former leader New leader left in the dark about the future and functions of the group and its leadership positions
The Inside Shuffle Old & new leader meet to discuss duties and responsibilities of the office Other positions do the same Group of old and new leaders never meet to discuss how positions interact New leaders never meet to begin teambuilding process, leader training, goal setting, etc.
The Fish Bowl Old leader and new leader sit in middle of a circle, allowing other new and old leaders to listen to information being passed along All leaders hear and understand responsibilities of the particular position All leaders discuss responsibilities of all positions and how they interact after each position has been in the middle
Top of the Line Extended retreat Planned by older leaders, but allows new leaders time to work together to begin building their team concept and goals Look at organization’s past history, goals, projects and activities Discuss leadership roles and responsibilities Develop goals and action plan for coming year.
Things you need to do before leaving for summer Meet with the person who currently holds leadership position Read official duty descriptions for leadership position Know what is expected of you from previous leader, other new leaders, group members, and advisor Read organization’s constitution
Things you need to do before leaving for summer Meet with your advisor Meet with other new leaders Get summer and fall addresses for old leaders, new leaders, and members Find out what plans have already been made for the fall Discuss what plans need to be made for the fall
Things you need to do before leaving for summer Know where important materials are stored Review all files that pertain to your position Switch over signatures (banking accounts, credit forms, mailing addresses) Start making a list of questions, and asking them now if at all possible
Questions to ask current leader What did you like best about your job? What did you like the least? What was the most difficult decision that you made? What could you have done to make the experience better? Obstacles to performing my job effectively were….
Questions to ask current leader Who assisted you in handling your job? What did you wish you had known before taking the job? What are the best ways to use our advisor? What should I do over the summer to help prepare me for the school year? What services/office/programs should I know about on campus
Questions to ask advisor What do you expect from me? What can I expect from you? What are the best ways to communicate with you? Should we meet on a regular basis? Can I contact you at home?
Start Setting Goals Start brainstorming for your position and organization NOW! List goals that you can do right away List goals for things that need to be done over the summer List goals for fall, spring or entire year Use SMART Formula (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Oriented)
How to Prepare for Future Leader Transitions This begins now and continues even after you leave your position Look and develop future leaders Write it all down Start recording duties, ideas, successes, hints Organize and file Help develop other leaders