Using Technology to Promote Learning Seven Simple Tips and Ideas by Joe Hardenbrook 17 April 2007
Faculty Use of Technology Recent survey says that fewer than half of faculty report using technology to enhance learning Why? No surprise…lack of time and skill Instead, focus on “small bits” not an entire course Make sure technology supports what you are teaching
Student Learning and Technology Students only want technology if it is used well Typical comments: “He just read from his PowerPoint slides” “Doesn’t know how to use the computer equipment” “Has a Blackboard course, but the only thing that’s there is her syllabus” from EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research Survey
#1: Strategies for Different Learning Styles Visual graphs, charts, pictures – insert into Blackboard, show in class Verbal (speaking & writing) online journaling, class “wiki,” Blackboard Discussion Board Writing Class at Rennselaer Polytechnic InstituteWriting Class at Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute Tactile Divide class into groups, give them “group” space in Blackboard. Then have the group present in class. Logical look for online case studies, online problem-based learning scenarios
#2: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Look for a “ready to go” assignment or online content and adapt it for your students Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT): MIT OpenCourseWare: World Lecture Hall:
#3: No time for Blackboard? Create a simple webpage instead Go to your “H” drive and create a “www” folder Then create a webpage with links and content using Microsoft FrontPage Place the webpage in the “www” folder
#4: Using Technology for Assessment “One Minute Assessment” (Weekly/Monthly) What’s the most important thing you learned this week/month? What questions do you still have? What needs clarification? Put into the Blackboard “Discussion Board” section Blackboard surveys (students must be enrolled in Blackboard course), & the Millikin Survey System
#5: Using Technology for Access to Research and Information Create your own “electronic reserves” system Directly link to articles from Blackboard via the Library’s databases
#6: A Culminating Experience…try an Online Portfolio Get the point across: doing something for “school” and doing something for “me” is not mutually exclusive Types: Marketing, Accountability, Learning Examples: Albion CollegeAlbion College Spelman CollegeSpelman College Several options: wiki simple web page free software
#7: Ask for Help Contact me for questions …and don’t apologize!!! Individual consultations Class visits Apply for a Technology Fellow Web site re-design Documentary filmmaking
Sources Hanna, D.E., Glowacki-Dudka, M., & Conceicao-Runlee, S. (2000). 147 Practical Tips for Teaching Online Groups: Essentials of Web-Based Education. Madison, WI: Atwood. King, B.R. (2007). Think Small! A Beginner’s Guide to Using Technology to Promote Learning. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 30, Retrieved 12 April 2007 from, Price, M. (2006, Dec. 4). What is the Purpose of an Electronic Portfolio? Is the Answer the Key to Your Successful Implementation. Campus Technology. Retrieved 14 April 2007 from, Snoeyink, R. (2007, March 2). E-portfolios. Presentation at Associated College of Illinois/AT&T Teaching and Learning Mentors Workshop. Retrieved 13 April 2007 from,