Flip Instruction Diigo Flip Instruction Library Diigo Flip Instruction Library
What is Flip Instruction “That” which is traditionally done in class is now done at home. “That” which is traditionally done at home is now done in class.
Students can: ➡ Learn content at own pace ‣ access when needed ‣ rewind - play again and again ➡ Individualize learning ➡ Review ➡ Remediate ➡ Use in blended and online classes Practice Sheets Inquiry Open Ended Questions Open Ended Questions Problem Solving Problem Solving
It started with... Flip Classroom Pioneers: Aaron Sams and Jon Bergman Woodland Park High School
Traditional ClassroomFlipped Classroom ActivityTimeActivityTime Warm-up Activity5 min.Warm-up Activity5 min. Go over previous night’s homework 20 min.Q & A time on video10 min. Lecture new content30 min. Guided and independent practice or lab activity 55 min. Guided practice or lab activity 15 min.New ContentHome Independent practiceHome
Where do I start? Begin with the end in mind Collect QUALITY learning resources... To be available whenever - wherever
If content is delivered outside of class time, now what? 1) Help support the student understanding of the stated learning objectives, 2) Design to help students process what they have learned and place the learning into the context of the world in which they live, 3) Be engaging to the students, yet flexible enough to allow students the ability to process and produce in a way that is meaningful to them. Possible in-class work could include: Student created content Independent problem solving Inquiry-based activities Project Based Learning Interactive questioning Content and idea exploration Student content creation Student voice and choice Effective differentiation in instructional strategies SpencerSpencer, Dan, Wolf, Deb and Sams, Aaron (2012). Are You Ready To Flip?. Retrieved 23 November 2012 from The Daily RIFF: phpeb a (20ailyriff.com/articles/are-you-ready-to-flip- 691.php
Traits of an effective Flipped Classroom Discussions are led by the students where outside content is brought in and expanded. These discussions typically reach higher orders of critical thinking. Collaborative work is fluid with students shifting between various simultaneous discussions depending on their needs and interests. Content is given context as it relates to real-world scenarios. Students challenge one another during class on content. Student-led tutoring and collaborative learning forms spontaneously. Students take ownership of the material and use their knowledge to lead one another without prompting from the teacher. Students ask exploratory questions and have the freedom to delve beyond core curriculum. Students are actively engaged in problem solving and critical thinking that reaches beyond the traditional scope of the course. Students are transforming from passive listeners to active learners. BennettBennett, Brian, Kern, Jason, Gudenrath, April and McIntosh, Philip (2012). The Flip Classroom Revealed. Retrieved 21 November 2012 from The Daily RIFF: and12). Thearticles/the-flipped-class-what-does-a-good-one-look-like-692.php
Advantages ➡ Helps busy students ➡ Helps struggling students ➡ Increases student-teacher interaction ➡ Allows for real differentiation ➡ Individualized learning
Many Ways to Record a Podcast The first piece of flipRecord a Podcast ➡ QuickTime Player 10.0 (Screen Recording) ➡ Camtasia, Jing, Screencast-O-Matic ➡ iMovie or Movie Maker ➡ Keynote or PowerPoint - Can record too ➡ Educreations, Promethean, Smart ➡ Don’t reinvent the wheel ‣ Khan AcademyKhan Academy ‣ YouTube, SchoolTube, TeacherTube YouTubeSchoolTubeTeacherTube ‣ NROC or HippocampusNROC or Hippocampus ‣ Ted Ed LessonsTed Ed Lessons ‣ NBC Learn K-12 (compliments of IDOE)NBC Learn K-12 ‣ NBC Learn
Ways to DeliverDeliver
Flip is also good for... Face to Face + + Online Learning = = Blended Learning