Educational Video Resource Development Tom Cavdarovski – Digital Media Coordinator
Tell us your experiences: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
“by 2015, video will be 90% of all global internet traffic” Google (2012)
YouTube is the preferred search engine for year olds
All of these developments point to the fact that video is fast becoming a new standard document format for this century.
Fantastic time Digital technology Considerations
Fantastic time Digital technology New modes of delivery Considerations
Fantastic time Digital technology New modes of delivery Personalises online experience Considerations
Fantastic time Digital technology New modes of delivery Personalises online experience Re-useable resource Considerations
Fantastic time Digital technology New modes of delivery Personalises online experience Re-useable resource End result Considerations
Fantastic time Digital technology New modes of delivery Personalises online experience Re-useable resource End result Considerations User empowerment!
Issues Initially video production is time consuming Getting the balance right
Issues Initially video production is time consuming To many modes of delivery Getting the balance right
Issues Initially video production is time consuming To many modes of delivery Personalising V’s Re-usability Getting the balance right
Issues Initially video production is time consuming To many modes of delivery Personalising V’s Re-usability Lack of standards Getting the balance right
Issues Initially video production is time consuming To many modes of delivery Personalising V’s Re-usability Lack of standards Don’t reinvent the wheel Getting the balance right
Issues Initially video production is time consuming To many modes of delivery Personalising V’s Re-usability Lack of standards Don’t reinvent the wheel Intellectual property Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Support? Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Support? Shelf-life Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Support? Shelf-life Not as personal as F2F Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Support? Shelf-life Not as personal as F2F End result Getting the balance right
Issues Students feel cheated Support Shelf-life Not as personal as F2F End result Getting the balance right Poor experience
1) Start by listing the key learning themes/outcomes. Are those themes best communicated visually? If not, video might not be the solution
1) Start by listing the key learning themes/outcomes. Are those themes best communicated visually? If not, video might not be the solution 2) A simple script is a useful project management tool. It identifies all the elements It will save you time, money and heartache
1) Start by listing the key learning themes/outcomes. Are those themes best communicated visually? If not, video might not be the solution 2) A simple script is a useful project management tool. It identifies all the elements It will save you time, money and heartache 3) Digital media workflows. Is the approach achievable and sustainable?
Recap and questions Video is a first class citizen on the web Planning is key Developing an appropriate approach Getting the balance right
Contacts Tom Cavdarovski – Digital Media Coordinator Thankyou