Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States State Legislation Is This A Key To EANGUS Success? by: Roger A. Hagan, Chairman, Area VI EANGUS Legislative Workshop and Reception March 2006
State Legislative Program Why should your state association pursue a State Legislative Program? How can your state association start a State Legislative Program? What will a successful State Legislative Program do for your state association? More importantly, what will a successful State Legislative Program do for your soldiers and airmen? Resources for Legislative Research and Action.
State Legislative Program Why should your state association pursue a State Legislative Program? Value Added reason for being a member Developing/Improving relationship with TAG Developing/Improving relationship with other Professional Military Organizations & Veteran Groups Increased awareness of the National Guard throughout your state Benefits from your state are a good thing
State Legislative Program How can your state association start a State Legislative Program? All State level actions should be driven by your State Resolutions Process Coordinate approved resolutions with State NGAUS, TAG, and other PMO’s and Veteran’s Groups Search for legislative contacts – don’t reinvent the wheel Visit your State Capital early and often – pick up the handouts Use the Internet Site for your State Legislature/Assembly
State Legislative Program How can your state association start a State Legislative Program? (continued) All State level actions should be driven by your State Resolutions Process –Review your state By-Laws –Solicit input from your membership early (12-18 months out) Coordinate approved resolutions with State NGAUS, TAG, and other Professional Military Organizations and Veteran’s Groups –Working together avoids duplication, conflict or embarrassment –Many hands make light work – everyone has particular strengths/weaknesses Search for legislative contacts – don’t reinvent the wheel –Do you have National Guard members in your legislature/assembly? –Are other organizational already engaged with this process - piggyback?
State Legislative Program How can your state association start a State Legislative Program? (continued) Visit your State Capital early and often – pick up the handouts –Don’t wait for the session to begin –Legislative Libraries have excellent resources Ask them for help – training is offered by most –Know your way around the building –Watch the process as an observer – have someone take you Use the Internet Site for your State Legislature/Assembly –Most every state has an excellent website –Get to know how to navigate that site before you start
State Legislative Program What will a successful State Legislative Program do for your state association? It’s all about membership and why they want to belong – “all politics are local” –Everybody loves a winning team –More tangible at the local level Ownership of the process – resolutions submitted by any member of your state association Easier to “make a difference” in your state capital Expand “sphere of influence” – TAG/NGAUS/Others
State Legislative Program More importantly, what will a successful State Legislative Program do for your soldiers and airmen? You can make a difference at the state level Every state has things that need to be improved –Kent State in the 1970’s –State Active Duty Today vs Days Gone By Your soldiers and airmen have needs Your families have needs Your employers have needs
State Legislative Program Resources for Legislative Research and Action “Retiree Assistance Office” “National Governors Association” es.shtml “First Gov Site For All State Home Pages” es.shtml “National Conference of State Legislatures” Handout of suggested state legislation – CD
QUESTIONS? State Legislation Is This A Key To EANGUS Success? by: Roger A. Hagan, Chairman, Area VI EANGUS Legislative Workshop and Reception March 2006