The Transformational Congregate Meal Program
“Good leaders have the courage to create the ‘necessary ending’ and bring about new energy, and a new way, that can be the source of real hope instead of empty wishing.” -Henry Cloud, Ph.D. Our Culture
Who We Are We make a meaningful difference in the emotional, social, physical well-being of older adults; preserving their independence, improving their quality of life, and connecting them to the community. Established in 1978, Non-profit, 501.c.3 Designated aging service provider for Fayette County, Georgia County Based Agency (CBA) under Atlanta Regional Commission’s Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Responsible for the management and delivery of services to include: Multipurpose Life Enrichment Center Supportive Services: MOWs, congregate meals, transportation, in-home services, I&A, care management, adult day care, home repair, Ani-meals. Supported by public funds, cost-share, client/private donations, private pay, grants, fundraising activities.
Our Philosophies Place a VALUE on what we provide so that it will be VALUED. High QUALITY is a standard feature. Effective CHANGE starts with really small steps. See the world through the eyes of the people we serve. NEVER offer something we wouldn’t want for ourselves. Know your audience. Really, know your audience.
Life Enrichment Center Example Life Enrichment Center New facility opened in 2008 with 38 members of our congregate program. Nearly 2,000 active members today – approx. 41 congregate program Average 4,200 recorded activity participations each month 85% of members are actively engaged on a regular basis Nearly one-third of members are years old. Average congregate client is approximately 72 years old. Membership-based (private pay) - Adults age 50+ Annual dues: $25/year in-county residents | $45/year out of county Includes $5 optional tax-deductable donation Fitness Center $30/quarter Congregate Meal Program and private-pay café for members. More than 60 free and fee-based monthly programs, classes, and special events Social, leisure, fitness, educational. Live well/age well focus. Clayton State University campus for Lifelong Learning
The Ultimate Attraction Tool The Ultimate Café Nearly 28,000 private pay meals and 7,200 congregate meals served in FY12. 2010 Platinum Plate Award Winner – Fayette Chamber Community Expo Same high quality menu selection and choices for Congregate Meal Program participants and private pay Center members. Community Partnerships. 500 lbs. of fresh produce supplied annually by Fayette County Master Gardeners Additional produce from on-site Therapeutic Garden Partnership with Panera Bread Company Launched The Ultimate Catering in 2010
Congregate Schmongregate – Reinvent Your Program! We don’t think FOR our participants – We solicit input and work together. Participants define the program. The program doesn’t define the participant. Renamed the S.T.A.R. Program (Seniors Together After Retirement). Collaboration to address small challenges associated with program integration into private- pay multipurpose Center program. Subsidized meal interface with private pay Activity choices (structured, self-directed) Marketing transparency Communication with participants and families.
Very few differences between dues-paying Center members and S.T.A.R. (congregate) program participants. Offered fixed-route transportation to/from Life Enrichment Center (cost share) Choice between participating in a “structured” program or self-directed activities. No charge for meals. Seamless Integration Within a Multipurpose Center It Can Be Done!
Remove negative ageisms! Don’t think one-dimensionally. Know your regulatory boundaries and then re-invent the program but not the wheel. Know what works best in your community. Ask appropriate questions in satisfaction surveys. Ask yourself the tough questions. What would you do if you differently if you owned this business? What are the “weak signals” we’re hearing? What will your program look like in 5 years or in 10 years? Tips for Success!