The Flipped Classroom
Topics What is the flipped classroom? Why would I flip my classroom? When would I flip my classroom? How do I implement the flipped classroom? Strategies, strategies, strategies! Tools I can use
What is the flipped classroom? Reverse instruction Using technology to increase the learning in your classroom Teacher spends more time interacting with students in class Idea is to flip the common instructional approach Lecture – Guided Practice – Independent Practice Take the lecture out of the classroom
What is the flipped classroom? Class becomes a place to: Work problems Advance learning Engage in collaborative learning Teach on your feet and not in your seat Personalize for students
What it shouldn’t be? Online videos only An online course Students working without structure Students working on a computer screen only Students working in isolation Replacement of teachers
What the flipped classroom should be? Online instruction at home frees class time for learning. Interactive and engaging Activities aimed to instruct students Students take responsibility Direct instruction mixed with active learning Innovative learning
How Flipping started? 2007 – current model Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams at Woodland Park, Colorado Recorded lectures using PowerPoint for students missing class Found that those who weren’t missing class also liked having the review available Bergmann and Aaron Sams textbook: Textbook : Flip Your Classroom, Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day.
Not just Videos Not the videos but how they are integrated Captivate, Camtasia, Screencasting Interactive Questioning (inline questioning) Don’t reinvent the wheel Khan Academy Ted Talks YouTube
Not just Videos Publisher’s software Short instructional videos with interaction SoftChalk Lesson design software with interactive components Interactive Simulations SAM, MyITLab
Not just Videos University of Phoenix model Create interest in video Collaborate with instructors Share videos Use strengths in videoing Using digital textbooks
Analytics Learning to study smarter not harder Software that questions in a way to find what you already know and what you don’t know Are you sure you know the answer? Are you pretty sure you know the answer? Just guessing Assignments based on what you don’t know
When would I flip my classroom? Community College Began as method to blended learning Now used in other classes High School Began as way to catch students up Review and keyword search advantage for students
Tips from those who have Train students to use videos Pause and rewind Write down questions Cornell method of note-taking Record notes Write down questions Spend first 10 minutes of class answering questions Use questions to improve videos
Additional Thoughts and Tips Embrace the student’s technology Used to using videos for information and learning Infiltrating their digital culture instead of fighting it Helps busy students Helps struggling students Allows differentiation for differing abilities
Why Flipping Flops? Time-consuming Technology not available Teacher Training missing Replacement of teacher Unrealistic expectations
Comments from Instructor Blogs If the choice was between lecturing in front of passive students vs. flipped classroom, I'd certainly choose flipping. Can anyone answer if you are all video-taping your OWN lectures each time? It sounds as if teachers also are referring to other sources. What do you do if students don’t have the devices to use to make this happen?
Conference for Flipped Classroom
How did we do? What is the flipped classroom? Why would I flip my classroom? When would I flip my classroom? How do I implement the flipped classroom?
Resources The Flipped Classroom Myths. Accessed July 4, conversation-689.php conversation-689.php Educational Vodcasting. Accessed July 5, 15 Schools Using Flipped Classroom. Accessed July 5, Tucker, Bill. The Flipped Classroom: Education Next. Accessed July 3, classroom/ classroom/
More Resources 12 Screencasting Tools. Accessed July 1, tutorials/ tutorials/ FrontRow Juno. Accessed July 10, classroom?gclid=CNm2n5zXrrgCFWNgMgodrVMA-w classroom?gclid=CNm2n5zXrrgCFWNgMgodrVMA-w What flipped classrooms can (and can’t do) for education today? Accessed July 10, can-and-cant-do-for-education/ can-and-cant-do-for-education/ Bergmann, A. & Sams, J. Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day
Technology is not the answer, and it’s not the enemy.” Mike Kaspar