EUDAT FIM4R at TNC 2014 Jens Jensen, STFC, on behalf of EUDAT AAI task force
Recent Work Deployed federated IdM ∫ testbed –Extensive evaluation (>2 yrs ago) of available tech –Chosen: Contrail code (presented at VAMP Helsinki, 0-1 Oct. 2013) – fed idm, fed AA, multi-LoA, deleg’n, XACMLVAMP Helsinki Met most requirements, but not always prod’n ready –Updated with Unity ( Replacing some Contrail proof-of-concept code with more mature Extended attribute management (EUDAT as Attribute Authority) –CLARIN integrated a long time ago – others todo Not enough effort on community end (or other priorities of people with the right skills) Moving to preproduction
Future Wishes/Plans EUDAT2 – multi-LoA authentication in prod’n –Social media Id –Standalone IdPs (e.g. EGI SSO, Umbrella, CLARIN) Not necessarily Shibboleth IdP – could be e.g. OpenID Connect, LDAP –National (academic) federations (+eduGain, IGTF) Authorisation: –EUDAT as AA –Making use of ext’l AAs – VOMS, LDAP, other SAML –Attributes “harmonised” – scoped, translated, etc. User control (or at least visibility) –Can see delegations (with Contrail, via OAuth) –Can define ARP (combines with fed’n and community) –Can see what attributes do? Revoke use of attribute?
H2020 AAI Something we can use – so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel again once more –Need to recognise EUDAT as a stakeholder EUDAT’s communities are diverse, need flexibility Interoperable, standards based Deliver usable infrastructure –Secure, reliable, trustworthy –Easy to use, multi-technology support (e.g. X.509 and Shib) –Good performance Lower the barriers for us to get new international communities on board –Portal toolkit/HOWTO? –Command line support?