Time Management
Introduction Do you keep some appointments and cancel others? Do you complete some projects and not others? Do you start new projects when you haven’t completed other projects to which you have committed?
Introduction Do you have trouble sleeping because you’re thinking of things you need to remember to do the next day? Have you ever forgotten an appointment with a key customer or your anniversary? Do you fail to make your business plans happen because you allow time obstructions to get in the way?
Time Management to Make it Happen Effective time management requires commitment. It requires a time management commitment culture. You and your management team must set the example.
Urgent vs. Important
7 Obstacles That Must Be Pushed Aside 1. Avoiding overwhelming tasks 2. Not learning from others’ experiences 3.Not saying “No” 4.Too much non-productive diversion
7 Obstacles 5.No time for contemplation 6.Not delegating 7. Not focusing on the future
1. Avoiding Overwhelming Tasks You must list all events, both personal and business, on a To-Do List. Failure to do so leads to overlapping commitments.
Avoiding Overwhelming Tasks Break a large list of things to do into smaller day-to- day manageable To-Do Lists. Determine your priorities: how, when and who.
Avoiding Overwhelming Tasks Goal Strategies Action Plans
Avoiding Overwhelming Tasks There are numerous To-Do List systems/technology. Use the To-Do List system/technology with which you are most comfortable. If you’re not comfortable with the system/technology you’re using, you won’t use it.
Avoiding Overwhelming Tasks Benefits Transferring your thoughts onto To-Do Lists frees your mind from thinking about tasks until you are ready to work on them. Putting your thoughts down on paper will free your mind from thinking about them when you sleep
2. Not Learning from Others’ Experience Attend seminars Attend conferences Read books, magazines, etc.
Not Learning from Others’ Experience Avoid failures and save immeasurable time by learning what others have done. There is over 200 years of business experience at an average TAB Board meeting. Don’t reinvent the wheel.
3. Not Saying “No” Saying “No” is a learned skill. Saying “No” will remove you from many day- to-day problems and open up time for creativity.
Not Saying “No” What is your fear of saying “No”? Saying “No” provides challenges. Be prepared. Some who are not used to hearing the “No” word from you, may react negatively when you first use it.
4. Too Much Non-Productive Diversion Stop Web surfing Change your habits Get rid of junk s Look at text messaging only twice a day
Too Much Non-Productive Diversion Messy desk and bad filing system Hire an Executive Assistant (if you can afford it) or engage a Professional Organizer
Too Much Non-Productive Diversion Avoid non-emergency, non-business calls during working hours. Keep an egg timer by the phone.
5. No Time for Contemplation Modified Open Door Policy: Clearly state open- and closed-door time periods to employees and family
No Time for Contemplation Have a “cave” – home, bicycle, hike – where there are no interruptions. Keep your “cave” free of interruption with a policy clearly expressed to others.
6. Not Delegating Taking on too much will cause you to lose focus. Too much on your plate means more day-to-day fires to handle. Discipline yourself against taking on more then you can handle.
Not Delegating Plan toward a time when you can delegate all that is not your Competitive Edge Strength.
7. Not Focusing on the Future Leave “what I could or should have done” behind you. Focus on making things happen today and in the future.
Not Focusing on the Future Dashboards Quick review of your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) One page
Not Focusing on the Future Dashboards Sales Customers Net Profit Account receivable days Prospect contacts Sales per hour of staff
Not Focusing on the Future Dashboards
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