The Village Movement: “Aging in Community” March 13, 2014
What Makes a “Village” w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g Grassroots Membership Organization Self-Governing Self Supporting Volunteerism Consolidator of Services Strategic Partners Focus on the Whole Person
All “Villages” will have pieces of all of these elements Concierge Assistance of Living Community Building w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g Villages are consumer-driven no matter how they were founded, funded, or staffed Do not reinvent the wheel Consolidator of Services One stop shopping
Villages Across the Country Average age of members is 75 Individual membership cost o Average= $ (range $25-$948) Household membership cost o Average= $ (range $50-$1,285) Discounted memberships o 67% of Villages offer discounted memberships w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g
Villages Across the Country Total Yearly Budget Median yearly budget = $82,643 Minimum = $1,000 Max = $674,000 Funding Sources 50% membership dues/fees 24% donations 12% foundation or corporate grants 12% non-profit organization contributions 2% government grants w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g
Village Movement Continues to Grow 125 Open Villages 20,000+ Village members Activity in 39 states and 3 countries (Australia, Netherlands, Canada) Many more communities in development
An Organization by Villages - for Villages National peer to peer network o Joint 50/50 partnership – Capital Impact Partners and Beacon Hill Village Mission o To enable communities to establish and effectively manage aging in community organizations initiated and inspired by their members. Objectives o Promote the Village model for replication; o Assist new, emerging, and established Villages to create sustainable organizations; o Design benefits and programs to meet the needs of individual Villages; and, o Research and evaluate the impact of Villages
VtV Network Highlights 2014 Membership o Currently 210 members of VtV Network o 15 new members since Jan 1, 2014 o 80% renewal rate w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g
2014 Member Benefits Highlights Business and Sustainability Grants o $65,000 awarded to 14 open Villages o Focus on activities to strengthen Village operations – e.g. business plans, technology assessment, new member ambassador program Tools and Resources o Creating Strategic Alliances o Village Better Buys – rolled out in 2012 o National Village Exchange
Member Benefits Highlights Forums – 470 unique threads o Top discussions: Low income members, communication in start up, model without paid staff Webinars – webinars hosted o Art of Fundraising, Board Governance series, Insurance basics - among other topics requested by members
Community, Collaboration and Cooperation National Village Gathering o The year of advocacy! o September 2014 o Washington DC “Day on the Hill” o Meeting prep/training at Webinars w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g
Spreading the Word Outreach Activities Present at dozens of national/regional conferences Media Highlights: o NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams o Washington Post o Aljazeera America w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g August 18, 2012 It Takes a Village
Advisory Council VtV Network Encourage and facilitate the flow of ideas within Village to Village Network. Create a meaningful body of information and resources. Advise the Board of Managers.
Advisory Council Goals & Priorities w w w. v t v N E T W O R K. o r g 1. Improve “Value Add” for Membership. 2. Improve Member Satisfaction & Perception of Value. 3. Increase Membership. 4. Increase Revenue & Funding. 5. Improve Sustainability & Effectiveness. 6. Build the “Business Case” for Villages.
VtV Network and the Future Create new interest and drive the growth of the Village movement Expanded Member Benefits o Village BetterBuys- new providers/products o National Village Exchange- launch o Tools to help Village thrive o 4 webinars/month
Changing the Landscape Research and Public Policy o VtVN continue to demonstrate the efficacy, impact, and effectiveness of Villages o Continue collecting and analyzing Village information from the Archstone Foundation grants o Support Village efforts to reach out to health insurers and providers o Work with Villages to collect critical information to impact policy
VtV Network and the Future Promising practices Support new Village groups o low/moderate income areas o Veterans o LGBT o Rural areas o Baby boomers
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