Where do we start? What do we have to do? 5 Point Action Plan
Step 1 – Scope and Sequences KLA subject specific syllabus analysis – what do we have to teach? rationalisation – what’s new, what’s different? create new S&Ss for Years 7 through to 10 what can we keep and adapt? timeline? S&S development needs to be linked in to resource availability as it could determine what we teach.
Step 2- Resources Collection of resources for the new curriculum Teachers need current resources to confidently program for the Australian Curriculum. Curriculum Coordinator and KLA Coordinators should gather a board selection of resources from publishers both text and digital. All Australian Curriculum resources to be kept in the one place until implementation of the curriculum – for ready reference - (remember this implementation should be owned by everyone not just Coordinators) Questions to ask: What resources do we already have? What do we need to get? What are the main publishers putting out? Do we want to organise for sales reps to call? What are the professional associations offering? Are we members if not we join! What units are already written? If so where are they?
Step 3 – What do we do? Let’s not reinvent the wheel!!! Investigation of what is already available for use: There is already stuff out there and more to come, don’t think its about starting from scratch!
What do we do? Check these out!
Step 4 – Programming We have to document our units: Attend CSO writing days Organise our stuff, that means linking all aspects We need to get our stuff on Edekit so it is all in one place: i.e. unit program resources assessment S&S
Step 5 - Familiarisation This will require reading and review of programs and texts: further develop resources become an expert share insights and ideas