Nick Bussey – Area Director Citizens Advice Opportunities for Advice and Health Sectors to Add Value
Changing Landscape New National Government Policies Spending Review – likely impact on all sectors Abolition of Regional Government - localism Abolition of PCT’s - GP purchasing Big Society – what does this mean? LA spending cuts and changing areas of benefit
Changing Face of Advice CAB as a gateway to community advice & information Advice Line – national access Locally functioning gateway to range of services Greater emphasis on partnership New case recording / appt system allowing seamless referral and joined up service Improved access – faster throughput of clients More outreach – meeting client needs where they are Increasing demand – decreasing funding – more for less
CAB and Health Positives Long record of health / advice partnership at a local level Innovative new services developed Evidenced impact on client / patient welfare Negatives x Funding usually short term projects x No national funding – always locally developed x Lessons not learnt – everyone wants to reinvent wheels x Funding often linked to people / not organisational or long term strategic
Some CAB Health Projects Derbyshire PCT have CAB advised in GP surgeries. For every £1 they invest, the project secures £6.50 in additional income for clients 20 General Hospitals Northumberland CAB set up the Low Income Good Health team with mental health service users and health care staff Wirral CAB is a primary care advice liaison service, in conjunction with Advocacy in Wirral for NHS, PCT Calderdale CAB fit4life information shop
North Area Statistics - Health 101 Citizens Advice Bureaux in the North we have 275 Health Outreaches Located in: 219 GP Surgeries 20 General Hospitals 14 Mental Health Day centres 15 Psychiatric Hospitals 42% of Bureaux provide hospital visit services
North Area Statistics - Health Of all targeted advice sessions: Disabled People – 26% Mental Health Service Users – 24% People with Learning Disabilities – 10% Client Profile In Q1 34% of clients seen (44,659) had long term health problems and/or disability (North West is second highest in the regions at 35% following Wales at 38%)
External Statistics - Health MIND - Debt is not just a financial problem. Mind research shows it can have a serious impact on a person's mental health leading to anxiety and stress, depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and isolation from society Royal College of Psychiatrists (backed by FLA & MAT) One in four adults will have a mental health problem at some point in their life One in two adults with debts has a mental health problem. One in four people with a mental health problem is also in debt
So what should CAB do? Funding pressures will make new investments hard Changes in fund holders may mean different people making decisions on advice in health settings What was a good idea yesterday might not work today – listen to health needs, review and be innovative Use your data, research and map the local need Learn the language of health and talk it Relationships will change – CAB need to identify the decision makers and put forward the business case Sell the savings not just the service
The Opportunity to Add Value? Clear and proven correlation between providing patients with advice and their improved well being Spend money to save money Prevention is cheaper than the cure Empower GP’s to prescribe advice Invest in advice in GP surgeries or hospitals Changes in health often trigger benefits – increased income means improved health Build local partnerships with CABx – develop projects and monitor the outcomes Good Advice Adds Value!