Show Off Your Social Shell for Maryland!
WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / QUICKLY DEFINED: Form of communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content QUICK FACTS Social Media is the #1 Activity on the Web One in five couples meet online; One in five divorces are blamed on Facebook Facebook added more than 200 million users in less than a year If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest ahead of the U.S. & only behind China & India A new user joins LinkedIn every second What happens in Vegas... stays on YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, etc! Source:
OK, BUT WHAT DO I DO WITH IT FOR MARYLAND? Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / The objective of using social media is to support the mission of the alumni association by engaging the alumni in your clubs & chapters through these networks. Social Media provides OPPORTUNITY Spread awareness Cultivate stronger relationships Communicate with each member in a more personal and engaging way Instant – no waiting around! What it’s all about? Sharing information Listening Building trust
THERE ARE SO MANY SITES, WHAT DO I USE? Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / The Alumni Association on Social Media Let’s Start with the Basics: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
FACEBOOK Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / Page vs. Group Facebook Pages can be thought of similar to a normal personal profile. You have the ability to add fans, pictures and create a wall for others to post on. Facebook Groups allows you to set permissions and can be open to anyone or closed allowing you the admin rights to invite and grant access. Facebook Events can be created to help you promote your events. You can customize the event, edit its privacy settings and invite guests. (Note: When posted, please link to the actual event listing/online registration on the alumni association page)
FACEBOOK PAGE Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD /
FACEBOOK GROUP Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD /
TWITTER Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / Twitter is a micro-blogging site to share news, photos, links and more. More specifically, you have 140 characters or less to get your message across! Twitter is 24/7 updates, so only start an account if you plan on putting in the time to keep up with it.
TWITTER Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD /
LINKED IN Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / Great for Professional Networking The Alumni Association Group: 17,601 members Ways to promote your events using LinkedIn: Post Information Create/Maintain a subgroup For more information on ways to get involved with LinkedIn, contact Erik Embrey, Coordinator for Alumni Career Services, at or
YOU CAN DO IT! Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / Start Small & Keep it Simple Share the Wealth (& Work) Schedule Time for Social Media Don’t Reinvent the Wheel (or the info) Keep it Up to Date Have Fun With It!
YOU’RE NOT IN IT ALONE! Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center College Park, MD / Questions? Need Help? Contact Mandie Boardman ’02, Assistant Director of Communications, at or