Causes and Cures in the Classroom Innovation Showcase 12/10/14
Why do our students struggle? Let’s brainstorm reasons why we think our students struggle with Reading, Writing, Math, and Behavior Share out
Is / Is Not Is: Teamwork, Not: Completed in isolation Is: Diagnosed by investigating, Not: assuming the obvious from previous students Is: Analyzing effective strategies, Not: Random interventions Is: Going beyond one size fits all, Not: Grouping just because they are low overall Is: a way of rethinking, Not: another program to add to your workload
You need to “Know the Student” Academics concerns Behavior Concerns Strengths to Build On What other information would be important?
Analyze Root Cause Keep asking why Motivation Formula: Value x Expectancy Be careful of Won’t and Can’t Can’t solve the problem until you get to root cause Example
Set A Clear and Measurable Goal If we___________ then _________________ Goal should be attainable Do not expect improvements overnight Example
Decide How to Measure Student Progress Be sure to chart the progress or even better have the student chart their progress Don’t wait too long to measure Example
Need an Action Plan Don’t reinvent the wheel Needs to be a priority Get help to implement Help students to understand that what they do Matters!
Your Turn Use a copy of the book and take one of your students through the 5 step process for Math, Reading, Writing, or Behavior