Welcome Custom Report Templates: Logic and Revision Heidi Blossy and Benjamin Newman Digital Measures
Agenda Continuation of Themes The Key to Understanding Custom Reports Report Set-ups and Revisions What to think about What do we need to know? Is Something Wrong?
A Continuation… Like screen revisions referenced in the previous presentation – Report Setup and Report Revision work requests should, as much as possible, be: Clear Concise Specific And submitted generally one at a time!
The Key to Understanding Custom Reports Description Documents Where are they found?
The Key to Understanding Custom Reports
Revising Custom Reports Ask yourself: What need are you trying to meet? What is the typical date range for which you will run this report? What revisions do you want made? Are there any changes to who should be included in the report, or who should have access to run it?
Going Back to the Description Document...
Revising Custom Reports In the Report Revision work request include: What report are you revising? Description document with mocked-up revisions noted using track changes. Specific reference to security role titles.
Creating Custom Reports Ask yourself: What need are you trying to meet? What is the typical date range for which you will run this report? What format will be best for your review? Which colleges need to be included in this report? Who should have access to run this report? How should the report handle linked records? How should the report handle counting linked records? When collaborators are in different units When collaborators are in the same unit How should we identify records to display in each section of the report? Is there specific logic or computations we should make? How should each record be displayed? How are you expecting records which cross terms, calendar years, or academic years to be handled?
Creating Custom Reports In a Report Setup Request Include: Who should be included in this report? Who should have access to run this report? What should this report be named? Please include a mock-up of the proposed report, making sure to include record criteria, section grouping and sorting instructions, and record display details. Send us your examples
Creating Custom Reports Is the report something that you’re already using on your campus? Send us your examples Does your report align with Activity Insight? What data should populate the report? Are you asking to capture something within the report that you’re not capturing on a screen? Send us Screen Revisions too!
Is Something Wrong? What if a report isn’t working as expected? Review the description document Send us an example Report title Date range Any other parameters selected? Do you have an example?
In Summary Like other types of work requests- please be as clear and specific as possible Keep key questions in mind when creating and revising reports Examples are helpful! Don’t reinvent the wheel Is there a sample of something you’re already using? Did you get permission to copy a report from that person you sat next to in the Sunday Technical Sessions? Report logic is your friend Use it when revising and creating new reports. Is something wrong? Look at the report logic!
Questions? Thank You