1 LANDSCAPE 2013 Works For Advertisers 2013 Radio: A 360º Medium
2 LANDSCAPE 2013 Delivers Massive Reach in Real Time Engages and Influences Listeners Digital Technology Enables Expansion and Interaction Delivers Outstanding Results Unique Capabilities
3 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Delivers Massive Reach In Real Time Today Radio continues to reach more than 240 Million listeners every week, which is about 92% of the population Virtually all Radio listening is done in real time, giving advertisers control of message delivery timing Radio reaches more people between morning and evening than any other medium and is used by 50% of consumers within 30 minutes of when they shopped.* Radio’s share of daily time spent with media is nearly equal to TV and Cable TV for Gen X and Baby Boomers and is equal to Internet for Millennials** Far more people listen to the radio on a typical day than use Facebook, Google Web Search or YouTube** Over the past 50 years Radio has consistently reached 9 out of 10 people of virtually every age and ethnicity Sources: Nielsen (Arbitron) data from current RADAR Reports; *Infinite Dial 2013 by Arbitron and Edison Research **USATouchpoints ; **current comScore and RADAR
4 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Engages And Influences Listeners Only Radio can offer advertisers multiplatform product endorsements by on-air personalities Radio shares its credibility with its advertisers Over 75% of radio listeners describe personalities as their friends and have an emotional connection with them* 66% of listeners agree that their favorite radio stations reflect who they are as a person* 90% of heavy radio listeners said they would be disappointed if their favorite radio station were no longer on-air** 70% agreed If you couldn’t listen to radio, you’d feel something important was missing from your life.*** More people of all ages would rather lose access to Facebook than to their favorite radio station**** Sources: **Latitude Research and OpenMind to survey more than one thousand respondents "The State of Listening in America, May 2013 ; * The Infinite Dial: 2013 by Arbitron and Edison Research; **** Mark Kassof & Co October 2012 survey of 732 adults online * **Mark Kassof & Co September 2013 survey of 989 online Adults (60% of agreed) ; Alan Burns/Triton Digital “The Future of Radio” September 2012 National Consumer Database; 25,000,000 Panelists; August & September 2012*** Listeners have strong emotional relationships with their favorite on-air radio personalities…creating an ad receptive environment beneficial to advertisers
5 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Thriving Digital Technology Enables Interaction and Activation Digital has expanded Radio’s reach and creative capabilities Through its digital platforms, Radio can expand its over the air interaction with its listeners enhancing audience engagement Mobile Apps, Texting, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, online streaming, interactive listener programming, opt-in databases and YouTube videos open digital doors for our listeners and advertisers and provide activation 70% of listeners said they follow their favorite personality and/or radio station on social media 55% of listeners said they listen to their favorite personalities on computers or mobile devices when away from a radio Personalities in just the top 25 markets have more than 18 million Facebook friends and 27 million Twitter followers* Source: USC, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, PSI Study released June 2012, Woodley, P. and Movius, L. People With a Favorite Radio Personality in Los Angeles; *KMS research March 2013 Radio continues to reinvent itself by engaging its audiences across it’s digital platforms
6 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio Delivers Outstanding, Cost Effective Results For Marketers OTX study results show that Radio advertising positively impacts the 5 key branding metrics. Advertisers Dove, Starbucks, Target, Toyota and many more have seen measured results that multi-platform radio campaigns drive internet traffic and response rates. Media mix modeling using granular Arbitron data has shown that Radio’s impact is an average of 27%-78% greater than previously thought.* While Radio accounts for 21% of media consumption, it is accorded less than 12% of all media spending. Recent studies show that taking 15% from a TV budget and investing it in Radio provides a 17% lift in reach, a 41% lift in frequency and a 62% lift in message receptivity index.** 90% of top 200 national advertisers from 2012 have returned to Radio in 2013 and 70% of returning accounts increased their spending.*** Radio’s distinct audience demographics and lifestyle appeal make it easy to target the right customers and locations…at the right time Source: * study funded by Nielsen (Arbitron) and conducted by Sequent & Partners 2012 **USA Touchpoints May 2013 Study ***Katz Radio Group research July 2013
7 LANDSCAPE 2013 Source: Radio Advertising Effectiveness Program, Ipsos OTX, ; conducted for Katz Marketing Solutions Affinity / Likeability Awareness Advocacy Consideration Purchase Intent 17% 23% 19% 38% 37% Nine Study Average % Lift: Radio-Targeted Consumers vs. Control Groups Radio Influences and Builds Brands Driven by Radio’s Word-of-Mouth Effect
8 LANDSCAPE 2013 Radio’s Role is Unique The entertainment experience expectation of listeners to Radio is very different from that of other media and music-only platforms (like Pandora, Spotify, iPods, CDs etc.) Listeners look for: Connections to personalities A place to belong -- a neighborhood, a tribe, something that they feel helps define them Content curated by a program director who understands the needs/likes/values of “the neighborhood” Local information -- entertainment, news, traffic, weather, opinions, sports, events, opportunities Community support and involvement The ability to talk and communicate with personalities/stations through multiple platforms and get immediate responses, reactions and engagement Only Radio can provide product sampling, personal endorsements, event sponsorships and experiential brand events for advertisers Radio creates a connection with listeners and advertisers
9 LANDSCAPE 2013 Massive Reach Targeted and Personal Interactive and Connected Produces Results Uniquely Beneficial to Advertisers Radio has a solid position in today’s environment because it connects advertisers with listeners in ways no other medium can match.
10 LANDSCAPE 2013 for additional information….. measurement/nielsen-audio.html Any brand names, product names, or titles used in this presentation are trademarks, trade names and/or copyrights of their respective holders. All images are used for purposes of demonstration only, and the entities associated with the products shown in those images are not affiliated with Arbitron in any way, nor have they provided endorsements of any kind. No permission is given to make use of any of the above, and such use may constitute an infringement of the holder's rights.