Safe & orderly environment Climate of high expectations for success Instructional leadership Clear & focused mission Opportunity to learn – time on task Frequent monitoring of student progress Home-school relations
Program Status Learning System Components Emphasized Teaching - Learning Process Components Emphasized Organizational Behavior Emphasized Leadership Style Emphasized Type of Leadership Talk Emphasized Stage One Unacceptable to Acceptable Administrative procedures Measurement System Culture focus Improved communication Personnel motivation Conflict resolution Authority – Obedience Directive Stage Two (Stage One emphasis continued) Acceptable to Recognized Learning goals Curriculum documents Curriculum focus Shared vision Organizational change Data driven decision making Organizational Efficiency Discussion Stage Three (Stage One/Two emphases continued) Recognized to Exemplary Instructional program Staff development program Teaching focus Instructional focus Team self assessment High expectations Team Leadership Dialogue
PLC = Culture Change Spring 2012: Look, Listen, Learn… then Lead
First, set the stage: Organizational restructure Develop systems Form relationships
Focus: Core Beliefs Kids first Instruction – What, How Monitoring – Expectations, Feedback, PowerWalks (Fundamental 5)
Leadership: Learning organization Goal orientation Establish routines Reinvent communications
Links: transparency Saginaw HS Campus Improvement PlanSaginaw HS Campus Improvement Plan - Beliefs, Narrative, Data (including updated data), Departmental SMART Goalsupdated data Staff Focus Document TLT – Meetings, Teams (results of PLC development are showing) ( Principal’s Goal: make “PLC” a VERB at SHS!)
Teacher Learning Time Thursday mornings are sacred! In pairs…
Small Groups…
In the same room…
As a Department…All Together Now!
Elective Teachers Do it TOO!!
Classroom Mission Statements
Resource Soc Studies… AP SPANISH 5
Resource Math Evaluation of accomplishing the objective by end of class…MASTERY!
Physics hallway: Student work posted
Thinking Maps on the Physics hall walls
Physics…Why? Relevant Research – also on the wall
AP Eng. 3 – Teacher in Power Zone & Cooperative learning are routine!
Eng. 2 evaluating a writing sample in Socratic seminar