1 Macim Project data Title: Modelos de aeroacústica para la reducción del impacto medio-ambiental del ruido aerodinámico generado por vehículos Project type: Proyecto del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, programa P4 Reference: DPI P4-03 Period: 28/05/ /05/2004 Collaborators: Oriol Guasch
2 Objectives To propose a model to approximate sound generated by turbulent low-Mach flows To test different LES turbulence models To solve the flow equations until audible frequencies To obtain the aerodynamic sound
3 Key numerical ingredients Algorithm based on Lighthill’s acoustic analogy Stabilized FEM for incompressible flows Efficient Fourier transform of the sound source Stabilized FEM for the Helmholtz equation
4 Results I Acoustic response of a train
5 Results II Acoustic response of a wing