Physics with radioactive ion


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Physics with radioactive ion beams@R3B/FAIR: CALIFA a next generation calorimeter D. Cortina Universidad de Santiago de Compostela J.A Vilán Universidad de Vigo Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Layout Presentation of the research teams @USC and @UVi Project definition and relevance of the coordination Presentation of the research teams @USC and @UVi Research activities in present facilities scientific background main results obtained within FPA2007-62681 working plans for next years R&D on CALIFA calorimeter at R3B/FAIR scientific-tecnological background Budget summary Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Project definition This project is the continuation of a preliminar action : FPA 2007-62681 The project is built around two axes: experimental nuclear physics programme at existing facilities (GSI, GANIL-SPIRAL) GENP-USC R&D activities to the R³B experiment: CALIFA (FAIR) GENP-USC and CIMA-UVi The project coordinates the work of two groups: Added value: collaboration between the GENP-USC and the CIMA-UVI group nuclear physics + engineering expertise Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

GENP-USC team Senior scientists: - Dolores Cortina Prof Titular de Universidad (90 ISI papers in last 10 years) Ignacio Durán Catedrático Universidad (137 ISI papers in last 10 years) Hector Alvarez Isidro Parga Pondal Researcher (40 ISI papers in last 10 years) Postdocs: Manuel Caamaño CPAN Elisangela Benjamim External Colaborators: Klaus Suemmerer GSI Scientific Staff PhD Students: - Martín Gascón FPI - Carme Rodríguez FPU Saúl Beceiro FPU - Paloma Díaz Technical support: - David González MICINN TOTAL FTE: 9 USC 1 External 25 ISI papers related with FPA2007-62681 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CIMA-UVi team Senior scientists: - Jose Antonio Vilán Prof Titular de Universidad Marcos López Prof Titular de Universidad Abraham Segade Ayudante Doctor Angel Manuel Prof Titular de Universidad TOTAL FTE: 3,5 UvI Short Cv 100 projects last 10 years 15 patents last 10 years Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Scientific background Understanding the structure of atomic nuclei and forces at play Substantial progress over the last decade implementation of 3-body NN interaction in ab-initio calculations importance of monopole interaction: modification of the effective interactions used in models Availability of exotic nuclei and novel experimental instruments … despite the progress there are still many open key questions limits of existence of the nuclei dependence of the nuclear force with the proton-to-neutron ratio creation and evolution of elements in the universe Our research programme focusses in a few selected topics Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Main results FPA2007-62681 Probing the nuclear force at the extreme of isospin: the 7H resonance Experiment peformed at SPIRAL (France) radioactive 8He beam produced by the ISOL method innovative use of the active target concept nuclear system with the highest N/Z ratio ever syntethised 7H is characterised as a narrow resonance state just above the multibody decay threshold Highlight the importance of non-perturbative effects in the description of the nuclear force M. Caamaño, USC PhD thesis, Sept 2006 M. Caamaño et al, Phys Rev. Lett. 99 (2007) 062502 M. Caamaño et al, Phys, Rev. C 78 (2008) 044001 D.Cortina, W. Mittig, submitted to Eur Phys. News 2009 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Main results FPA2007-62681 Evolution of the nuclear structure with the isospin Experiment peformed at GSI (Germany) radioactive beams produced by the fragmentation method provide in a single experiment nuclear structure information of 38 different nuclei use of the knockout reaction technique as a spectroscopic tool FWHM 147±16 MeV/c 17C 16C Geant 4 C. Rodríguez, USC PhD thesis, December 2009 C. Rodríguez et al, in preparation Phys Lett. B D. Cortina , INPC, Tokio , June 2007 C. Rodríguez et al., EURORIB, Giens (France), June 2008 C. Rodríguez et al., Zakopane Conf. (Poland), Sept. 2008 D. Cortina, ENPC, Bochum March 2009 Experimental access to spectroscopic factors E (MeV) sexp (mb) bexp (%) 0+ 0.0 38±13 31±10 2+ 1.77 51±10 44±7 2,3+,4+ ~4.1 28±9 24±7 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Main results FPA2007-62681 Study of reactions of astrophysical interest: Coulomb dissociation of 27P Experiment peformed at GSI (Germany) radioactive beams produced by the fragmentation method use of an indirect method to study the reaction 26Si(p,g)27P reaction in the rp- process relevant to the 26Al nucleosynthesis Mapping of 26Al by detection of the 1.8 MeV g-ray in satellites 27P 26Si 26Al 26Mg (p,g) b + S. Beceiro, USC PhD thesis, 2011 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Ongoing experiments USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Knockout reactions in C target of light n-rich nuclei around N=16-20 Experiment S245- GSI Personnel USC: C. Rodríguez, D. Cortina USC PhD October 2009 Publication of the results in ISI journals Coulomb Dissociation of 27P Experiment S223- GSI Personnel USC: S. Beceiro, D. Cortina, K. Sümmerer (GSI) USC PhD 2011 Study of neutron-rich isotopes around the island of inversion Experiment S306- GSI Personnel USC: P. Diaz, H. Alvárez, D. Cortina Use of Coulomb breakup as spectroscopic tool USC responsible of the data sorting (PhD) USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

New experiments USC’05 USC’06 n-rich nuclei from Z=3-10 studied in kinematically complete measurements Experiment S393- GSI First experiment proposed as R3B collaboration Personnel USC: Student, M. Caamaño, Postdoc, D.Cortina, H. Alvarez USC’05 USC’06 Extense physics programme  combination of different targets measurement of relevant r-process nucleosynthesis using Coulomb Dissociation (n,g) study of the evolution of shell structure close and beyond the dripline using quasi-free knockout rections (p,pn)  evolution on neutron shells, and single-particle strength (p,pa)  evolution of alpha clustering (p,2p)  population of unbound states, and single-particle strength Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Future projects USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Study of resonant elastic scattering with MAYA Personnel USC: New student, M. Caamaño, E. Benjamim, D.Cortina Experiment to be peformed at SPIRAL (France) scarce variety of available beams : 26Ne Study of the halo Nucleus 22N Personnel USC: New student, D.Cortina, H. Alvarez, I.Durán, M. Caamaño, E. Benjamim Experiment to be peformed at ALADIN/LAND GSI (Germany) This is one of the ideas proposed for a first experiment to be performed with the CALIFA Barrel Demonstrator  STRONG IMPLICATION OF THE GENP-USC TEAM USC’08 TEST OF THE REAL PERFORMANCES OF CALIFA Demonstrator Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Reseach FAIR included in the ESFRI list ~3000 scientists 14 countries Gain Factors Primary beam intensity: Factor 100 – 1000 Secondary beam intensities radioactive nuclei: up to factor 10,000 Beam energy: Factor 15 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

The R³B/FAIR experiment Reaction with Relativistic Radioactive Beams 700 MeV/nucleon Nuclear structure and dynamics Reactions of astrophysycal interest Nuclear structure far from stability Reactions of astrophysical interest Equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter Technical Proposal December 2005 IMoU 2008 ~ 250 scientists 40 Institutes Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA design requirements CALorimeter for In Flight Analysis of g an light charged particles A detector for in-flight light charged particles and g emitted by relativistic sources  Huge dynamic range g 50 keV - 20 MeV p 1-300 MeV Total absorption efficiency 80% (up to Eg=15 MeV lab system) Gamma sum energy (Egsum) =<(Egsum)> Calorimeter for high energy Light charged particles Up to 300 MeV in lab system Gamma energy resolution ~4-5% (FWHM at Eg=1 MeV) Light charged particles resolution ~2% Calorimetrer Spectrometer R3B Technical Report, 2005 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA: design challenges Pushing the limits of enery resolution keeping the efficiency Kinematical considerations: particles emmitted by relativistic sources Scintillators provide large efficiencies but modest energy resolution at low energies. To overcome the strong Doppler broadening, g tracking or large segmentation is mandatory R&D programme performant scintillator materials and photosensors granular detector: Thousands of finger-like crystals Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA concept ~40 BARREL ~20 ~130 FORWARD ENDCUP Next generation device based on new performant scintillators and photo-sensors ~5000 individual crystals (2.5 Tonnes of CsI(Tl)) Beam ~130 ~40 ~20 BARREL FORWARD ENDCUP Technical Status Report (December 2008) Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA: task distribution R3B/CALIFA coordinator D. Cortina USC USC, IEM, UVi (SPAIN), LUND,Chalmers (SWEDEN),TUM,TUD, GSI (GERMANY), POLAND, RUSSIA - Crystal and photosensors BARREL USC,LUND I. Durán USC - Crystal and photosensors FORWARD IEM, Chalmers, USC O. Tengblad IEM Electronics TUD,IEM R. Gernhäuser TUD Simulations USC, LUND, IEM H. Alvarez USC Mechanical design Uvi,USC J.A. Vilán UVI -H.Alvarez USC Slow control TUD K.Sonnabend TUD DAQ GSI (Common task within R³B) USC’05 USC’06 TSR (end 2008) IMoU 2008 BARREL FORWARD Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA BARREL: CsI(Tl)+APD the state of art Matching of scintillators and photosensors  CsI(Tl) + APD USC’05 USC’06 Record value! 13 cm 137Cs source (662 keV) USC’08 This solution fulfill the design parameters for the CALIFA Barrel Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA BARREL: Crystals CsI(Tl) crystal characterization USC’05 USC’06 look for the best CsI(Tl) producers specify quality parameters for large scale production On top of an excellent intrinsic energy resolution, it is important to Minimize the effect of light output non-uniformity Very different crystal quality even for the same producer USC’08 Lapping corrections Maximize the light collection Wrapping (VM2000(ESR) from 3M, optimum reflector) Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA BARREL: Photosensors Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) characterization USC’05 Hamamatsu is the leader company. Very positive initial contacts with the CNM (CSIC/ IMB-CNM) Comparative study of different APD Determination of working conditions Protocole to characterize APD USC’08 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA BARREL: Prototyping ProtoZero construction and test USC’05 USC’06 15 ch CsI(Tl) + APD+ FEE Tests detector response - CMAM April 2009 - TSL May 2009 - TUD July 2009 19F(p,ag)16O USC’08 6.2 MeV M. Gascón, USC PhD, 2010 M. Gascón et al., IEEE waiting for publication 2009 M. Gascón et al., IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. 58 (2008)1259 Validation of reconstruction software Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA: Simulation USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Included in the framework of R³B- simulation coordinated by H. Alvarez Complete response of CALIFA - physics interactions - geometrical effects - interaction with matter Detailed response of ProtoZero Development of analysis software Production, transport and collection of light  optimize the crystal design USC’08 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Working Plan for next years Crystal and APD test Personnel USC: I. Durán, M. Gascón, D. Gonzalez, Postdoc complete CsI(Tl) investigation end 2009 explore a “finger-like” solution for the forward endcap 2011 USC’05 USC’06 Simulation tools Personnel USC: H.Alvarez, D. Cortina, M. Caamaño, E. Benjamim, Postdoc complete response of the detector based in G4+ROOT end 2010-2011 explore crystal “light- guide” shape 2010 Construction of a forward prototype Personnel USC: I. Durán, M. Gascón, D. Gonzalez, Postdoc, Technician similar procedure as used for the BARREL 2010-2011 USC’08 Beam tests with prototype Personnel USC: D. Cortina, H. Alvarez, I. Durán, E. Benjamim, M. Gascón, Postdoc, Technician similar procedure as used for the BARREL 2010-2011 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA design evolution (2005-2009) USC’06 USC’05 USC-IPNO 06-07’ USC’08 USC-UVi 2008 BASIC NUMBERS Crystal volume 40 to 150 cm3 Inner base area 2 to 8 cm2 Crystal lengh 10 to 22 cm Crystals in BARREL ~ 3700 Crystals in ENDCAP ~ 950 weight (with CsI(Tl)) ~ 2500 kg H. Alvarez-Pol et al., Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B 266 (2008) 1259 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA BARREL DEMONSTRATOR USC’05 DEMONSTRATOR (Max 20% of detector)  R3B iMoU (2008) TEST OF DETECTOR PERFORMANCE AND PHYSICS PROGRAM USC’06 BARREL ~ 1000 crystals (35-60 degrees) USC proposed contribution 300 k€ CsI(Tl) + APD conceptual design participate in the assembly and commissioning phase develop an experimental programm USC’08 UVi proposed contribution 99 K€ engineering design construction of the mechanical structure Proposal of CALIFA demonstrator ( CALIFA BD1) Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA from conceptual to engineering design (2009) USC’05 V 6.1 USC-UVi BARREL : Alveoli with four symmetrical crystals. Total of 912 alveoli, with 6 different alveolar geometries. Total of crystals 3648 with only 7 different crystal types. FORWARD ENDCAP :Alveoli filled with three different crystals. Total of 317 alveoli, with 4 different alveolar geometries. Total of 951 crystals with only 12 different types. Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA engineering design USC’05 USC’06 Fields of research Extremely complex and non-linear FEM for anisotropic materials (i.e: carbon fiber with epoxy) Prototyping by Laser Rapid prototype methode Develope prototypes using final materials ( CFR, KRFR) Real tests using SFF and FBF techniques Investigate new systems and materials for the mechanical support Looking for and adequate cooling system USC’08 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

CALIFA DEMONSTRATOR USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Goals Get real data of the mechanical, thermics, physics and accessibility capabilities of the detector. Identify with great detail mechanical difficulties that could came up at the real construction and assembly stage. Innitiate technical contacts with manufacture companies that could assume the construction responsibility. Improve and create new systems able to provide better measurements. Validate the FEM analysis used for the final detector design. USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Working Plan for next years General design studies Personnel USC: H. Alvarez, I. Durán Personnel UVi: J. A. Vilán, M. López, Student Detailed design of barrel part  2009 Design of the forward encup  2012 USC’05 USC’06 Mechanical structure Personnel UVi: J. A. Vilán, M. López, A. Segade Implementation and validation of the mechanical structure 2010 Definition of the functional mechanics  2010 NURBS modeling  2010-2011 Determination of FRP  2010 Manufacture of physical prototypes and testing 2011-2012 USC’08 Participation in the demonstrator construction Personnel USC: H. Alvarez, I. Durán, M. Caamaño, D. Cortina, D. González + Technician, Personnel UVi: J. A. Vilán, A.F. Vilán, A. Segade, Student Definition and design of the demostrator  2010 Design of the mechanical structure  2010 Purchasing components 2011 Participation in the assembly and commisioning 2011-2012 Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009

Budget Summary USC’05 USC’06 USC’08 USC Present facilities PROGRAMME Personnel (1PhD, 1 PostDoc) 195 k€ Travel (4 Doctors , 4 Students) 100 k€ Equipment 33 k€ UVi R&D PROGRAMME Personnel 50 k€ Equipment 10 k€ Travel 5 k€ Participation Demonstrator 70 k€ (99 K€*) USC R&D PROGRAMME Travel (4 Doctors , 4 Students) 68 k€ Equipment 161 k€ Beam times 10 k€ Participation Demonstrator 315 k€ USC’08 * Including part of personnel Additional personnel request : FPI Student + Technical support Additional personnel request : FPI Student + Technical support Plan Nacional Física de Partículas Evaluation Pannel. May 2009