USC CREATE is an interdisciplinary national research center based at the University of Southern California in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development and the Viterbi School of Engineering and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. USC · 2m Click on one of the following demos :
USC CREATE is an interdisciplinary national research center based at the University of Southern California in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development and the Viterbi School of Engineering and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. USC · 1m Imagine that you are a resident of Rockford, Illinois and that your home is roughly 15 miles from the Byron Nuclear Power Facility (BNPF). After carefully reading and watching the following tweets about a nuclear incident at the BNPF, you will be asked some questions about decisions you would need to make in an actual nuclear power incident situation. To continue, click on expand.
USC CREATE is an interdisciplinary national research center based at the University of Southern California in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development and the Viterbi School of Engineering and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. USC · 1m Imagine that you live and work in Central Texas, particularly in the area where the severe weather is expected to strike. After carefully reading and watching the following news tweets about severe weather heading toward your area, you will be asked some questions about decisions you would need to make in an actual severe weather situation. To continue, click on expand.
USC CREATE is an interdisciplinary national research center based at the University of Southern California in the School of Policy, Planning, and Development and the Viterbi School of Engineering and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. USC · 1m Imagine that for all your air travel you fly out of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). After carefully reading and watching the following tweets about a terrorist attack on an airplane departing LAX, you will be asked some questions about decisions you would need to make in an actual attack situation at your preferred departure airport. To continue, click on expand.
@Byron_Res 7.8 EQ in Byron County, IL. My apartment = shambles! My neighbor’s, Byron Nuclear Power Facility (BNPF), computer is down. Loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA)? SCARY! WATCH VIDEO! 5 days ago Next
At this point in time, little is known about whether there could be a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) at BNPF. Which of the following behaviors are you most likely to engage in:
@Byron_Res BNPF thankfully up and running. Facility undergoing scheduled shutdown during EQ. Still uncertain about LOCA. Go back to work today? WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 4 days ago Next
Knowing that BNPF is back up and running, which of the following risk factors is of greatest to concern to you?
@Byron_Res Lingering concerns about safety. BNPF was closed for long time post-EQ. Nuclear material release? We safe? WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 37 min ago Next
Now five days have passed since the earthquake, are you still likely to continue with your normal routine?
Immediately following the EQ, 0% would evacuate, 100% would continue their normal routine, and 0% would modify their daily routine to avoid radiation Next After 5 days, 100% of people's behavioral plans will remain unchanged Concerns are distributed as: 0% immediate health risks, 0% delayed effects of radiation, 100% personal safety
@Texas_Res Doppler radar showing severe weather heading toward Central Texas. Tornado watch issued from 2 AM to 10 AM tomorrow morning. WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 2 days ago Next
@Texas_Res Moderate thunderstorm now severe. New yellow polygon warning system showing more specific details of targeted regions – storm heading east toward Dallas. WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 2 days ago Next
Based on the information provided thus far, do you believe your personal safety is at risk?
@Texas_Res 170 mph winds in Dallas. Category 4 tornado expected. New tool called Pathcast being used to project specific highways and streets predicted to be in tornado path. If in targeted area, seek shelter now. WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 1 day ago Next
At this point in time, are you likely to seek shelter? Did the information provided about the tornado path impact your decision to seek shelter?
@Texas_Res Category 4 tornado hit. Traveled west instead of east, away from Dallas. Minimal damage reported thus far. WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 1 day ago Next
In the event of a future tornado, do you think that you would be:
During the initial tornado warning, 100% felt that their personal safety was at risk Next In the event of a future tornado, 0% are more likely to seek shelter, 0% are less likely, and 100% will take the same precautions 100% likely to seek shelter, and 0% indicated their decision was influenced by the amount of information provided
@LA_Res Bomb detonated on UA flight at LAX. My dear friend on plane! No word yet!? RG, thinking of you. WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 5 hours ago Next
@LA_Res RG AOK. Pilot = hero for landing plane with huge hole. Have plans to fly – should I stay or should I go? WATCH VIDEO! WATCH VIDEO! 3 hours ago Next
Imagine that same day you were planning to travel by plane to attend a job interview located 1500 miles away for a lifelong sought position. Would you plan on continuing with your travel plans for this job interview? If security at airports could be increased through a program that allows for faster screening in exchange for increased ticket prices and background checks. Would you be willing to pay for this program?
0% will continue with their travel plans to the job interview Next 0% would be willing to pay for the program to increase airport security