Things Are Seldom What They Seem… Mimicry and Camouflage in Nature S04-S4-C4-PO 2: Give examples of adaptations that allow plants and animals to survive. キ camouflage – horned lizards, coyotes キ mimicry – Monarch and Viceroy butterflies キ physical – cactus spines キ mutualism – species of acacia that harbor ants, which repel other harmful insects
Why Cover Up? Animals face danger in the wild Predators are trying to catch animals for food A spider tries to catch insects in its web, so the spider is a predator of insects To avoid becoming prey, an animal sometimes needs to hide…
Mimicry Helps Animals Hide Some animals use mimicry to avoid being seen by predators Mimicry is when an animal adapts to look like another animal in order to deceive a predator The Viceroy butterfly mimics the characteristics of the Monarch butterfly to avoid its predators Viceroy Butterfly Monarch Butterfly -Images taken from with permission for academic use
Which Snake Could Kill You? One of these snakes is the Scarlet Kingsnake, and it is harmless. The other is the Coral Snake, and it could kill you. Images found on :
The Scarlet Kingsnake Wants to Scare Predators Away The snake on the left, the Scarlet Kingsnake, mimics the Coral Snake (on the right) to scare away potential predators. Images found on :
Camouflage: Hide In Your Habitat Some animals use camouflage to hide themselves from predators or other dangerous things When an animal is camouflaged, it is hard to tell where the animal is in its environment Can you see the flounder in the picture? It’s hard to see the fish because the fish is camouflaged by the rocks. Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons, which allows for free use of its pictures:
Coloring Helps! This Horned Lizard uses camouflage to blend in with the environment around it and escape detection from its predators. How do the colors of the Horned Lizard help it live in its natural habitat: the Southwest region of the United States? Photo taken from Wikimedia Commons, which allows for free use of its pictures:
Coyotes Can Hide in the Desert Coyotes can blend right into the desert because their fur is so close in color to the soil and brush of the Southwestern Desert. What do you notice about the coyote’s fur and the color of the ground? Why would it help a coyote to blend in with the ground? Photo taken from Arizona Game and Fish Department:
What about You? Do humans mimic the behavior of animals and plants? Do humans use camouflage to hide themselves? Can you think of any time when you would want to be able to use mimicry or camouflage to help yourself escape a problem?