Use Seat Beltsf% All the time Most of the time Some of the time Seldom838.3 Never Total997100
Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time Most of the time Some of the time Seldom Never Total
Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time %71.1%100.0% Most of the time %62.5%100.0% Some of the time %53.2%100.0% Seldom %53.0%100.0% Never %47.8%100.0% Total %63.2% Row%= (100)f/N row
Col%= (100)f/N col Use Seat BeltsMaleFemaleTotal All the time %56.3%50.1% Most of the time %17.5%17.7% Some of the time %10.5%12.4% Seldom %7.0%8.3% Never %8.7%11.5% Total %
Rules If the IV is on the rows use the row % If the IV is on the columns use the Column % SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2615 Regularly2922 Occasionally5919 Never3047
SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2663%1537%41 Regularly2957%2243%51 Occasionally5976%1924%78 Never3039%4761% %10342%247 Column SmokingGreekNon-Greek Frequently2618%1515%41 Regularly2920%2221%51 Occasionally5941%1918%78 Never3021%4746% %103100%247
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