Geneva Convention Bureau, Switzerland International Association Overview Enrico Zuffi, Manager Geneva Convention Bureau 44 th ICCA Congress & Exhibition, 6-9 November 2005, Montevideo
International Association Overview Perspective seen by a Convention Bureau. Associations: Major revolution the web More transparency More details There is much more published information The web has helped tremendously: BUT…
Positive: You can get more historic info when founded, where. Better organised. The web probably pushes them to get things correctly published Those with specs or requirements are improving their data constantly, Deadline bids Negative: – Only a few publish what they need for their conferences. – We seldom know where they are based or how they are managed. An association database is still a wonderful tool, thanks ICCA! – You get more info on who is what in the organization, but seldom figures concerning their events.
Association Market: Development: In Europe: more and more associations. They start to appear more and more in our database: 5th-6th congresses, pax. There is a big potential! ICCA data and UIA
Increasing number of: IT oriented conferences Safety / Security oriented events. Health oriented conferences - quality, prevention, information systems Biotechnology / Life Sciences conferences Ecology oriented conferences American based associations are looking into the European / Asian market EBACE, MIE Europe
Frequency: Meeting more often: From a 2 – 3 year period, to annual World Associations also switch from 4 years to 2 years or plan regional meetings Globalization: – Rotation more and more a must or common rule: – ICN – World Heart – FDI
Organisational Structures: Large associations professionnalize their management: Membership Scientific Content Bottom line Well structured - Conference Dept. - Communication Dept. - Fundraising Dept. ESC, FECS, ESMO, CIES Plan additionnal conferences, training courses Planning longer in advance (except IT)
CORE PCO: Do associations use more often a core PCO for their conference? Core PCO’s have remained stable – Kenes, Congrex, AKM, Felicissimo Associates, MCI,Eurocongres – Some have emerged: KIT, ICEO But every year , large associations are doing or redoing a RFP. Core PCO’s handle often larger events, where conference management is very important – EULAR – ENS – IFFS – ESGO – UEGW
Association Management Companies: AMC: are they controling more of the cake? Not sure, but the cake gets bigger They are: New member oriented, tend to make less emotional decisions They do not handle large events ( ) Money conscious? Facts and conditions are very important! Are only a few in Europe! – AGS – MCI – Kellen – UK companies.
Convention Bureaus are more and more the first inquiry place! Reasons: Global approach One stop shop Neutral and objective Credibility Quality supervisors CB are more and more proactive in the different markets and develop better web pages
Conflict situations for Convention Bureaus ! As Corporate Clients, PCO’s, AMC use CB more often CB have to put more efforts and time into each file! Positive: The clients get a broader and better offer CB Controls more and more the demand Negative: –They can choose how they want to handle their event Do all directly ! –CB may have a problem, if sponsored by members! Use a local DMC for hotels, eventually for social events. Appoint a local PCO
FUTURE: Will CB have to adapt their structures ? Be less member oriented and sponsored? Finance themselves on results? Merci! Muchas Gracias por su attencion! Thank you!