Typical Prompts Link to a real part, probably part 10, to show
Typical Prompts Link to a real part, probably part 10, to show Spock/Uhura, Kirk as voyeur.
Typical Prompts Link to a real part, probably part 10, to show Spock/Pike. Any variation on “mindfuck”
Typical Prompts Link to a real part, probably part 10, to show Spock/Kirk “I-have-all-these- unfamiliar-emotions-I-don’t-know- how-to-deal-with-so-let-me-take- them-out-on-you-in-a-rough- uncontrolled-angry-confused-and- desperate-way” sex.
*Giggle* I LIKE this! OP says that you are amazing. You are too sweet!
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Look back at the KM III again. Uhura presented the "bitch, please" attitude, despite the fact that Kirk was an acting captain. She failed to call him Captain, and had orders repeated to her. I want a fic in which after Enterprise returns to Earth, she gets put in the brig because of the things she said/way she acted, with Kirk basically saying "Well, sorry, but you had it coming" and boy, she is NOT HAPPY AT ALL. Nonononono. This is not Uhura-bashing. Daddy, God bless his soul, was in military and he would not approve if he saw that scene! Even Bones' behaviour jarred me but at least he didn't have to be told twice. If Bones or CHEKOV was in Uhura's place, I'd demand a fic with them in brig
I want it to be Jim/Spock (bottom! Spock - there is too much bottom!Kirk that I am actually getting bored!). I want first time, where Kirk is wooing Spock away from Uhura (who doesn't understand Spock like Jim does) and I want emotionally hurt/jealous Uhura - because there is just too much damn "she already knew" Uhura! I don't know why but I need Uhura to be taken down a peg or ten as she seems to have been put on a pedestal on this meme.
With the non-con prompts (which actually have made me uncomfortable before in a few cases, but it's a kink meme, not my personal safe space), I very seldom see something implying that character X deserves to be raped as a result of their characterization or actions. There is no sense of judgment or punishment, no sense that what happens is or should be the necessary result of a character's "sluttyness" or snarkiness or insubordination. In this space, rape prompts are implicitly understood to be fantasy, and very seldom do I see something that appears to be justifying a rapey worldview within the prompt itself.
Credit: asimaiyat