Byung Cheol Song Shin-Cheol Jeong Yanglim Choi Video Super-Resolution Algorithm Using Bi-directional Overlapped Block Motion Compensation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 3, MARCH
Introduction Motion-compensated SR Basic concept Hierarchical motion estimation Bi-directional OBMC Result Learning-based SR Hybrid super-resolution Experimental Results O UTLINE 2
For the last few decades, many image interpolation algorithms have been developed to display high quality scaled images on cutting-edge digital consumer application such as HDTV,DSC. Traditional interpolation methods usually suffer from several types of visual degradation. To overcome the problem, many algorithms are proposed. But there are many problem.(Ex. structurally weak against textures, computational complexity) I NTRODUCTION 3
Brandi et al. presented an interesting SR approach. They defined the so-called key frames (KF) that sparsely exist in a video sequence and have HR resolution. The remaining frames in the video sequence, i.e., non-key frames(NKF) had LR resolution Brandi et al. took advantage of the fact that few KF (encoded at HR) may provide enough HF information to the up-scale NKF (encoded at LR) However, it rarely found true motion information because it made use of the conventional full-search motion estimation. This paper presents a hybrid SR algorithm where each LR patch is adaptively selected between a temporally super-resolved patch and a spatially super-resolved patch using adjacent HR KFs. Temporally super-resolved patch MSR Spatially super-resolved patch LSR I NTRODUCTION 4
A target frame in LR video sequence is interpolated by using forward and backward HR key-frame(KF). M OTION -C OMPENSATED SR Basic Concept 5 The KF interval N can be constant or variable. These paper employ cubic convolution for Up-Scaling.
First, the MV for overlapping M×M matching block is searched by using a rate-constrained ME. The conventional rate-constrained ME find the best v for each matching block by minimizing the rate as well as distortion In order to maximize the ME performance and to concurrently reduce the computational burden, we adopt a rate-constrained fast full search algorithm presented in [15]. M OTION -C OMPENSATED SR Hierarchical Motion Estimation 6 λ : Lagrange multipier
Assume that MVs between up-scaled LR frames are statistically very similar to those between corresponding HR frame. Replace the unknown MVs for HR frames with the MVs obtains from the up-scaled LR frames. Employ BOBMC based on bi-directional MVs.the BOBMC is performed on a 4×4 block basis. Each MV may be a forward or backward MV. The direction is determined according to SAD M OTION -C OMPENSATED SR Bi-directional OBMC 7
M OTION -C OMPENSATED SR Result originalMSR Fan’s [12] Brandi’s [14] 8
It cannot often provide acceptable visual quality due to non- translational motion, occlusion, inaccurate motion estimation and limited motion search range. When such temporal motion compensation does not work well, we employ a learning-based SR in order to avoid the degradation of visual quality. M OTION -C OMPENSATED SR Drawback 9
L EARNING -B ASED SR 10 K-means clustering LMS algorithm
C OMPARE MSR & LSR MSRLSR 11 Background is well- motion-compensated Seldom be well- motion-compensated Better Quality
H YBRID S UPER -R ESOLUTION 12 The boundary between the temporally super-resolved patches and spatially super- resolved patches, we can observe blocking artifact because they are derived from different frames. We apply a simple smoothing filter to the boundary pixels
PSNR performance of the MSR according to N E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS 13 Without/with little global motion N seldom affects With large global motion
E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS 14 N = 30 M =16 L = 4 Search range =±64 MSRHybrid SR [1] X. Li and M. T. Orchard, “New edge-directed interpolation,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 1521–1527, Oct [12] W. Fan and D. Y. Yeung, “Image hallucination using neighbor embedding over visual primitive manifolds,” in Proc. CVPR, 2007, pp. 1–7. [14] F. Brandi, R. Queiroz, and D. Mukherjee, “Super-resolution of video using key frames and motion estimation,” in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Oct.2008, pp. 321–324. Fan’s[12] Barsiu’s Brandi’s[14] NEDI[1] BLI Bi-cubic
E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS 15 N = 30 M =16 L = 4 Search range =±64
E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS 16 N = 30 M =16 L = 4 Search range =±64