IAAEA’s New Policy Manual A presentation to the IAAEA Board of Directors April 10, 2014 West Des Moines Marriott Troyce Fisher, Ed. D.
What Does the Board Need to Do at the End of the Presentation? (1) Assess its satisfaction with the general direction of the Policy Manual and (2) Make a decision about whether or not to proceed with finalizing three documents: The By-laws (written by legal counsel) The 28 E Agreement (written by legal counsel) The proposed policy manual (agreed to by chiefs and the executive director)
Organization of the Presentation Purpose for re-writing the manual Assumptions under-girding the new Manual Highlights of major policy changes by Series Implications for the board Review of recommendations made by legal council in her review of the policy manual Questions/Comments (Hold until we’ve reviewed the entire document) Decision
Why Was It Necessary to Write a New Policy Manual? Need to reflect the new realities created by the re-design efforts of the previous two years: I.Change in how the AEA Chiefs function as a system II.Change in relationships and responsibilities of chiefs and joint directors and director groups III.The New Compact IV.Collaborating for Kids(C4K) Structure and Process
Upon What Assumptions is the Policy Manual Based? The AEA system collectively shares accountability for student learning results with the LEAs they serve The Board of the IAAEA’s sets direction, approves policy, provides fiduciary oversight, and hires and dismisses the executive director The chief administrators recommend policy, execute policy and evaluate efforts to accomplish goals. The expertise for enacting many policies rests with the intellectual capital of directors and staff.
Organizational Chart and Locus of Authority Chart See hard copy of the policy manual for a “balcony view” of how the system is now organized.
What are the Major Changes in Each Series? Series 100: IAAEA Philosophy and Purpose Series 200: Governance Series 300: Executive Director of the IAAEA Series 400: Chief Administrators’ Committee of the IAAEA Series 500: Student Services Series 600: Relationships of the Chiefs with other system entities and within the AEA structure Series 700: Ancillary, non-profit state-wide services Series 800: Partner Organizations and Relationships with Other Entities Series 900: Financial and Budgetary Operations
Series 100: IAAEA Philosophy Articulates a new Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles (Values) Changed policy review cycle from five years to three years Added equal opportunity language
Series 200: Governance 203: More specific articulation of board responsibilities, including policy approval, fiduciary responsibilities for oversight of unified budget and approval of ancillary services. 205A: Requires quarterly meetings of the board annually. Represents good board practice as a function of a democratic government. 205D: Expanded documentation of meeting minutes 207: Code of Ethics added 208: Conflict of Interest added 209: Dismissal of Board Member protocol added
Series 300: Executive Director 301: Provides a revised job description with delineation of responsibilities in four areas and an objective way to evaluate performance 302: Delineates board responsibilities when a vacancy occurs in Exec. Dir. position 304: Adds the responsibility of Exec. Dir. to ensure system coherence (with individual chiefs) 305: Evaluation of Exec. Dir. done by chiefs and board representation via executive committee input 307: Notes ability of board to appoint an interim director added
Series 400: Chief Administrators Committee 401: Sets expectations for acting as a Community of Practice 401: Requires setting annual goals in June of each year 403: Delineates duties of chiefs (including evaluating the Executive Director) 404: Expands the duties of the Executive Committee of the Chiefs 405E and 405F: Specifies meeting agenda template and meeting minutes distribution protocol 406: Adds “Contracting for Services” guidelines (Major delineation of decision levels) ***** 406J: Authorizes chiefs to be able to allocate a maximum of $45,000 without board approval
Series 500: Student Services 502: Notes funding proportionality to Special Education and non-wavering commitment to Special Education 503: Adds mutual accountability language for all learners related to The New Compact and Collaborating for Kids (C4K) (Perhaps the boldest re-design of the AEA System)
Series 600: Relationship between Chiefs and Other System Entities 602B: Requires monthly meetings of chiefs and IAAEA leadership groups 604: Establishes protocols for improved communication loops between chiefs and director groups
Series 700: Ancillary Services 700: Umbrella 28 E agreement now includes all ancillary services operating outside the unified budget, thus eliminating separate 28E’s. All contracts for personnel will be “held” by the Association, not by individual AEAs. 702: Establishes criteria through which new ancillary services must be vetted 703: Establishes organizational structure (see Org Chart) and hiring and evaluation responsibilities for any ancillary service *** 704 and 705: Outlines specific operating requirements for AEA Purchasing and AEA PD Online 709: Transfer of funds from Ancillary Services to Unified Budget set at maximum of $25,000.
Series 800: Partner Organizations and Relationships with Other Entities (All New) 801: Requires documentation of goals and accountability for collaboration of a non-financial nature 802: Specifies required documentation of goals and accountability as well as a budget for collaboration of a financial nature 803: Affirms Collaborating for Kids (C4K) relationship with Department 804: Affirms commitment to mutual accountability for student success with LEAs and DE (The New Compact) 805: Requires legislative platform priorities be developed by August and approved by each AEA board in September.
Series 900: Financial and Budgetary Operations 902B: Designates business manager of the fiscal agent AEA to be the treasurer of the Board. 906: Sets $45,000 threshold for changes in the unified budget by chiefs without board approval 909: Establishes criteria for how compensation for contracted services will be determined
Recommendations from Legal Council Approve all three documents (28 E, Bylaws, and Policy manual at the same time) Use the policies as reviewed on April 10 to write the 28E and bylaws Remove the board, committee and officer provisions from the policies and place in the bylaws.**** Anticipate that the 28E and bylaws will seldom need revision and that the policy manual is a living document that will be revised as needed.
What are the Major Implications for the Board? More responsibility for setting policy and providing oversight to the AEA System Two additional meetings per year (can be done through distance technologies) The New Compact and C4K commitments could mean questions from LEA constituents who want the AEAs to be “all things to all learners” and AEA staff who have a vested interest in past practice. Ancillary Services restructure is significant
What Questions Do You Have?
What is the Will of the Board? Recommendation: Proceed as recommended by legal council with request to include recommendation to keep board, committee and officer provisions in both the bylaws and policies