Leadership Team Assessment Tool Results and Discussion Veena Pankaj Innovation Network innonet.org
Across all 12 communities, the average response rate was 69%. (# of responses / # of Leadership Team members) x 100 = response rate Response rates for each Leadership Team
You’ve lived in your communities for a long time. How long have you (as an individual) been a member of your community? (n=100)
Most of your Leadership Teams meet at least once a month. How often does your Leadership Team usually meet (in-person/via conference call)? (n=100)
I regularly attend Leadership Meetings. I am involved in our Leadership Team’s decision-making process. Most of you regularly attend meetings and are involved in your team’s decision-making. OftenSometimesSeldom How do you describe your engagement with the Leadership Team? (n=100) Percentage of people choosing each response
I work on HEAL-related issues outside of formal leadership meetings. I am actively involved in increasing the awareness of HEAL work… outside of my Leadership Team. I have helped to coordinate/organize events supporting HEAL goals. I have gotten others outside of my Leadership Team to take action to advance HEAL within my community. Some of you work on HEAL-related issues outside of Leadership Team meetings. OftenSometimesNeverSeldom How do you describe your engagement with the Leadership Team? (n=100) Percentage of people choosing each response
I have participated in the education of organization decision makers. I have participated in the education of government policy makers. A smaller portion of you have educated decision makers and policy makers. OftenSometimesSeldom How do you describe your engagement with the Leadership Team? (n=100) Never Percentage of people choosing each response
Overall, you awarded yourselves % of the total points on the tool. Community I, H, and J scored highest.
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