Introduction to Software Engineering (INSE) Lectures by Kit Lester
“Housekeeping” u Fire alarm u Escape routes from this room u Assembly point u Please check the escape route & assembly point from your tutorial room as well…
The unit Depends on experiences you should have had in first-year programming units … … but is not “ more programming ”. It ’ s about the whole process, not the technical details It “ feeds ” final-year ADSE and various other 2 nd - & final-year units
You/your course The unit is core for all the “ hard- technology ” computing degrees It is a required unit for exemptions if you wish to go on to be a Chartered Engineer
Contacting me Office: Buckingham 1.12
Me Dr C Lester, BSc MSc PhD CEng Software industry background Interests in SE technology support especially Programming languages, SE-oriented editors, & formal methods: Increasingly – “ Web Engineering ”
Administrative matters Lectures A one-hour session per week Tutorials Weekly, various rooms & times - see your timetable
Notes & books Handout notes booklet is also on the /inse/ website is enough to pass … Suggestion: to do better than “ just pass ” also buy one of the books described in the handout booklet & use it to follow up lectures (you have nearly a day a week to spend on this unit … )
Assessment Coursework … … a team project … to illustrate the theory from the lectures … handout in tutorial 4 … which provides plenty of SE issues to think about ready for... … the exam
Tutorials & the exam First 2 tutorials, last 2, and a few between are of a style that should help prepare you for the exam – tutorial 1 explains how Last 2 tutorials are overt exam-preparation: The “ theme ” of this year ’ s exam & A past paper So skipping the tutorials is unwise …
INSE - Lecture 1 What is “ Software Engineering ” ?
“ What is SE? ” - key answers Thinking about the problems of constructing all kinds of program... ...not just commercial/admin programs. In particular... … engineering the program(s); … dealing with “ difficulties ” such as size, complexity, real-time response, safety, distribution, etc
Historical background to S.E. ambitious attempt at things we can ’ t do yet … … led to programming and data structures early 1960s mundane but massive admin tasks needing moderate-sized programs … … led to systems analysis late 1960s/early 1970s attempts at tasks that demand large & reliable programs … … led to software engineering
Fundamental problems Cost of software goes up faster than proportionally with size … … which goes up faster than proportionally with the perceived functionality Reliability also drops alarmingly as size goes up. Management difficulties
New problems of scale Solutions to small-scale problems seldom scale up into solutions to large-scale problems
Non-admin software Operating systems + LAN systems Compilers, raw-text editors, IDEs Word-processors, spreadsheets Browsers, multimedia, sound etc Database, network, & other under-pinnings for the admin programs Web-servers, browsers, TCP/IP stacks Real-time programs - industrial control, avionics, medical, communications “ Embedded ” - in some other product ...
Tensions in S.E.
Reality... Lets look at some press cuttings
Usual problems The software was late The software was over budget the above 2 often come together The software seriously mismatches the specification The specification was wrong which is horribly common The management were not experienced SE managers which is also horribly common
The nature of Software “ Engineering ”
So what is S.E.? (1) The whole collection of things we do to try to build software well the determination to turn it into an Engineering discipline
So what is S.E? (2) The study of all matters concerned with the reliable and efficient production of reliable and efficient programs (note the absence of any limits on the kinds of program)
Aims of the S.E. unit to create awareness of the problems encountered in developing “ difficult ” software to introduce commonly-accepted techniques for combatting those problems to provide links to S.E. aspects of other units of your course to start to prepare you for “ the real world ” of software production
After this lecture think about your past programming efforts - to what extent were they what you would call “ engineering ” ? the first tutorial also addresses the issue of “ what is (or should be) S.E. ”
u © C Lester