Time to Change
About Time to Change
Time to Change is England's most ambitious programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems. The programme is run by the charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, and funded by the Department of Health and Comic Relief. Time to Change
Time to Change mission To make life better for everyone by ending the discrimination faced by people with mental health problems To inspire young people to work together to break down the stigma that surrounds mental illness
What is stigma & discrimination? When someone experiences a mental illness it can be difficult for others to understand what that person may be going through and how they can help.
About mental health stigma & discrimination A definition of stigma: The experience of shame or disgrace that sets people apart and identifies them as being different or undesirable A definition of discrimination: Less favourable treatment of people, which might include being less able to access opportunities and resources Time to Change Children and Young People’s programme development Summary of research and Insights 2012
“I’ve had friends walk away, people make off-mark comments...I think it’s just the isolation that’s come with it. I’ve dropped out of education because I couldn’t keep hiding who I really was from my friends. And so it was easier not to go, than to have to contend with that every day.” (Time to Change Young People’s Panel member)
Consider the impact of the film How did it make you feel? What issue(s) did it raise for you? Discuss...
Group work Think about Michael How is Michael feeling? How do you think Michael feels now he has spoken out? What support do you think Michael will need and how might he get it?
The impact of stigma and discrimination 1 in 4 adults will experience a mental health problem each year 1 in 10 young people experience a mental health problem – that’s 3 of your classmates Stigma and discrimination can affect all areas of life
What young people have told us about stigma A quarter of young people with a mental health problem (26%) have said that stigma has made them want to give up on life 70% of young people surveyed have faced stigma and discrimination from their friends Stigma stops young people hanging out with friends (54%), having a relationship (40%) and even going to school (40%). Source: 2012 online survey of 1,132 young people aged with direct experience of mental health problems and in touch with Time to Change
But the most important thing to remember is......Time to Change is all about talking
What can you do? You are probably more aware and educated than previous generations about mental health You have a real opportunity to create change Can you think of other campaigns that changed people’s view of things? You can deliver an anti-stigma campaign in school or youth group, your local community – how would you design and deliver it?
How you can get involved Sign up to the pledge wall and support the campaign
How you can get involved
Thank you for listening and make time to change For more information go to: