If we love Jesus, we will keep His commands, Jn. 14:15 ▪ Master, Jn. 15:20 ▪ Shepherd, Jn. 10:11 ▪ All authority, Mt. 28:18
Respect New Testament authority ▪ Abide in Christ’s doctrine, 2 Jn. 9 ▪ Not altering it, Rev. 22:18, 19 ▪ Contend for the faith, Jude 3
Noah lived in a wicked world, Gen. 6:1-13 ▪ God’s people influenced by sinners ▪ Sin rampant & entrenched ▪ Judgment ▪ Noah just & found grace
God commanded Noah to build an ark, Gen. 6:14-7:3 ▪ Gopherwood ▪ 300 x 50 x 30 cubits ▪ Three decks ▪ Two of unclean animals ▪ Seven of clean animals
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Gopherwood, Gen. 6:14 ∙Specific: type Not pine Not oak Not cherry Not cedar Did God have to say, “Make it of gopherwood… Not of pine, not of oak…”
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Gopherwood, Gen. 6:14 ∙Generic Where to get the wood How to transport it Storage
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Size of the ark, Gen. 6:15 ∙Specific: 300 cubits long ∙Specific: 50 cubits wide ∙Specific: 30 cubits high ∙Generic: size of planks used to get this
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Make the ark, Gen. 6:14 ∙Generic: tools Type Size Number
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Make the ark, Gen. 6:14 ∙Generic: where to build it Field Meadow By river or lake
Noah respected God’s authority, Gen. 6:22 ▪ Make the ark, Gen. 6:14 ∙Statement: make it of gopherwood ∙Necessary inferences Get the wood Cut the wood Put the wood together
Church consists of people, 1 Pt. 2:5, 9 ▪ Spiritual house, 1 Tim. 3:15 ▪ Building, Eph. 2:19-22
Teach to add people to the church ▪ Teach the lost, Mt. 28:19, 20; Mk. 16:15, 16 ▪ Drawn by teaching, Jn. 6:44, 45 ▪ Truth saves, 1 Pt. 1:22; Jn. 8:32 ▪ Abide in Christ by the word, Jn. 8:31; 15:4-7
Church has authority to teach the gospel ▪ Oral, 1 Thes. 1:8 ∙In person ∙On radio ∙Internet ∙Television
Church has authority to teach the gospel ▪ Written, Acts 15:23 ∙On paper ∙Signs ∙Internet
Church has authority to teach the gospel ▪ Support teaching, Phil. 4:15-17; 2 Cor. 11:8 ∙Local ∙National ∙Overseas ∙One or several
Church has authority to teach the gospel ▪ Edify saints, Eph. 4:11-16 ∙Sermons ∙Bible classes ∙Literature ∙Website
Churches use entertainment to draw people ▪ Drama ▪ Comedians ▪ Bands
Churches offer material benefits ▪ Hair salon ▪ Workout center ▪ Job counseling/placement
Churches provide fun ▪ Recreation ▪ Parties ▪ Game rooms
Churches lure people with bribes ▪ Free food ▪ Raffles ▪ Give away stuff ▪ Cash
Where is the authority? ▪ Generic or specific: teach gospel vs. entertain, parties ▪ Statement, example, necessary inference: bible class vs. hair salon, basketball ▪ Social gospel is like Noah using pine wood From Heaven or Men?
If we love Jesus, we will keep His commands, Jn. 14:15 ▪ Master, Jn. 15:20 ▪ Shepherd, Jn. 10:11 ▪ All authority, Mt. 28:18
Respect New Testament authority ▪ Abide in Christ’s doctrine, 2 Jn. 9 ▪ Not altering it, Rev. 22:18, 19 ▪ Contend for the faith, Jude 3