Katowice, 17th April, KIC - Sustainable Energy - current status of preparations Prof. Tomasz Szmuc AGH University of Science and Technology Katowice, April 17, 2009
Katowice, 17th April, Sustainable energy as a process consists of the following stages: omining of primary energy resources, oconversion of mineral sources into energy resources, otransport of energy resources, oprimary energy conversion into secondary energy, otransmition and distribution of secondary energy, osecondary energy use, and create serious problems for functions and components of the environment. Sustainable Energy
Katowice, 17th April, By World Energy Outlook 2006 Crude Oil Coal Gas Biomass Nuclear Other renew. Primary energy resources
Katowice, 17th April, Main areas of research and development 1. Clean coal technologies oClean energy production on coal basis oCO 2 emission reduction and storage oGasification of coal Gasification on surface Gasification on surface Underground gasification Underground gasification
Katowice, 17th April, Nuclear – coal synergy Application of high temperature heat from nuclear reactors in: clean coal technologies industrial processes TRISO fuel, =1 mm HTR, Helium cooled reactor, T=900 °C A concept (pebble bed) invented in Jülich by Prof. R.Schulten LWR, Water cooled reactor, T=330 °C Steam generator Condenser Sta- bil- iser Reactor
Katowice, 17th April, Hydrogen technologies Cheap production of hydrogen Cheap production of hydrogen Fuel cells and energy storage Fuel cells and energy storage Main areas of research and development
Katowice, 17th April, Renewable sources of energy 5. Biochemical technologies for energy production 6. Advanced materials for energy systems 7. Teaching in energy/energy technology Main areas of research and development
Katowice, 17th April, Industry Local authorities Research Institutes Universities Scientific Council Research projects Innovations Management Center Stakeholders
Katowice, 17th April, Industry Local authorities Research Institutes Universities Scientific Council Research projects Innovations Management Center Stakeholders AGH UJ Kraków Univ.of Technol. Univ.of Agriculture Silesian Univ.of Technol. Univ.of Silesia Techn.Univ.of Łódz Univ.of Łódz Wrocław Univ.of Technol. Warsaw Univ.of Technol.
Katowice, 17th April, Industry Local authorities Research Institutes Universities Scientific Council Research projects Innovations Management Center Stakeholders Central Mining Institute Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal Institute of Power Eng. PAS Institutes
Katowice, 17th April, Industry Local authorities Research Institutes Universities Scientific Council Research projects Innovations Management Center Stakeholders PGE, Tauron, RWE, Vattenfall, EdF PGNiG, LOTOS JSW Jastrzębie KHW Katowice, KW Katowice, PKW Jaworzno Chemical industry: Kędzierzyn- Oświęcim …
Katowice, 17th April, Thank you for your attention