Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________.


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Presentation transcript:

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  In this assignment you will work in small groups to examine the various primary Sources surrounding the Boston Massacre.  Through this process you will have an opportunity to hear the different voices of the past surrounding an emotional event that preceded the American Revolution.  Following your group discussions you will present your findings with the other small groups in a cordial fashion. Introduction

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  On the night of March 5, 1770, a group of American colonists encountered some British soldiers in Boston. tension had been building between the colonists and the British soldiers as a result of the Townshend Acts and that British troops were being placed in private homes of the colonists. (The quartering act)  This hostile encounter ended with the soldiers firing into the crowd, killing five colonists.  There are many different accounts of what actually happened in Boston that night and that is what we are going to examine. Keep in mind, we are the historians, we are trying to better understand what actually happened! Background

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________ What really happened on the night of March 5, 1770? Essential Question

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  You are going to examine actual primary sources that will help in understanding the Boston Massacre  We want to identify similarities and differences between these primary sources.  We are then going to discuss the Boston Massacre as a class to decide what we think actually occurred.  this will lead into our next discussion about the rule of law, because this event that we call the Boston massacre ended up with the British soldiers being tried for murder.  It was john Adams, a colonial attorney who was called upon to defend them. Objectives

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  You are going to get into your group that you will work with.  You will be provided a primary source that explains what happened at the Boston Massacre from a particular viewpoint.  Your group must come to a conclusion as to what actually happened on the evening of March 5th,  You must use your primary source to defend your position.  You can research more information, however, your argument must support the primary sourceprovided to you. Today

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  Your group will present your findings to the class.  Following each presentations, clarifying questions can be asked.  Each group will also have a few minutes to respond to other concerns brought up in class. Next Week

Boston Massacre - Mr. Lundberg Group Members 1.. ____________________________ 2.. ____________________________ 3.. ____________________________ 4.. ____________________________ 5.. ____________________________ 6.. ____________________________ 7.. ____________________________  Be Prepared  Be Relevant  Be Interesting  Be Organized  Be Respectful Keys to An Effective Group Presentation