Bell Ringer 1.Look at the engraving on page 165 based on this picture, who appears to be at fault for the Boston Massacre? British soldiers seems to be at fault for the Boston Massacre. 2.Why might colonial leaders interested in independence want to blame the massacre on the British? The colonists tried to use this against the British so they could break away.
Chapter 6 Section 2
The Townshend Acts Are Passed What were the Townshend acts? A series of laws passed by Parliament in 1767 that suspended New York’s assembly and established taxes on goods brought into the British colonies.
Townshend Acts What did the Stamp Act do? In 1765 law passed by Parliament that’s required all legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp showing a tax had been paid. Why did the British think the acts would anger the colonists less than the Stamp Acts did? Townshend which were collected before the goods entered the colonies, would anger the the colonist less than the direct taxes of the Stamp Act. The money raised would be used to pay the salaries of the British soldier.
Enforcement of the Townshend Acts How did the British attempt to enforce the Townshend Act? The New York assembly was suspended until the New Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the troops. The other acts placed duties, or import taxes, on various goods brought into the colonies, such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea.
The Reasons for the Protest Why did the writs of assistance anger the colonists? The writs of assistance angered the colonists because search warrants entered others homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods.
Townshend Acts What methods did the colonists use to protest the Townshend Acts? They made rules about the protesting.
A Voice from the Past As a bell ringer, your read A Voice From the Past on page 164. What do you think about this? Why does Dickinson believe that taxes interfere with happiness? You don’t feel secure with your property when you have to pay taxes.
The Boston Massacre Why were British Troops sent to Boston? The British Trade had been hurt and the British took over the American Tea Trade.
Boston Massacre Why did colonists in Boston resent the presence of so many British soldiers? Many people gave up their lives to fight for freedom. How did the Boston Massacre begin? What was the out come? The Sons of Liberty called for the shooting. Crispus Attucks and four others gave up their lives for freedom.
Who were the Sons of Liberty? The Sons of Liberty were a group of colonists who formed a secret society to oppose British policies at the time of the American Revolution.
Boston Massacre Why do you think that the Sons of Liberty wanted a shooting if they were supposed to be free?
Boston Massacre Why was the massacre an important event in the cause of independence? Because people gave up their lives to fight for freedom How did the use of the word massacre show an anti- British view? It was a tool for anti- British propaganda in newspapers, pamphlets, and posters.
The Tea Act For what reason did the British repeal the Townshend Acts? The colonists were unaware that on the day of the Boston massacre, parliament proposed the repeal of the Townshend Acts.
Tea Act Why did Samuel Adams think that the colonists might forget the cause of liberty? The colonial boycott had been effective- British trade had been hurt. But Parliament kept the tea tax to show that it still had the right to tax the colonies. What did Samuel Adams do about this? He created the Committees of Correspondence
Why Did the Tea Act Anger Colonists? Because Colonists who had not been paying any tax on smuggled tea would now have to pay a tax on this regulated tea.
Boston Tea Party What was the Boston Tea Party? The Boston Tea Party was in Boston. The Sons of Liberty Organized this event. In NYC, and Philadelphia, colonists blocked tea ships from landing. In Charleston, South Carolina, colonists unloaded tea and let it rot on the docks. Additional Interesting Fact: On December 16, 1773, three men destroyed 342 chests of tea.
Key Terms Crispus Attucks- He was one of the five people killed in the Boston Massacre. Townshend Acts- The way to raise revenue into colonies Writs of Assistance- Searched warrants, to enter homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods. Samuel Adams- The leader of the Boston Son of Liberty. Boston Massacre- was a clash between British soldiers and Boston colonists in 1770. John Adams- a lawyer and cousin of Samuel Adams, defended British soldiers in court. Committee of Correspondence- a group of people in the colonies who exchanged letters on the colonial affairs. Boston Tea Party- In New York City and Philadelphia, colonists blocked tea ships from landing. In Boston, the Sons of Liberty organize what came to be known as the Boston Tea Party.