CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2-3 Texas Independence
-In1820, Texas included a few Americans and about 3,000 Tejanos -Natives occupied much of the land -In order to keep control of Texas, Spaniards offered large tracts of land to empresarios who promised to recruit more settlers -Stephen Austin’s settlement flourished -After independence from Spain, Mexico offered tracts of land to American settlers who promised to: 1.Become Mexican citizens 2.Obey Mexico’s Laws 3.Accept Roman Catholicism Page 1 Settling Texas CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2 Texas Independence
-Many Americans (Anglos) began coming to Texas without permission -Many growers protested the Mexican ban on slavery as well as their inability to partake in government as they had in the U.S. -By 1830, five times as many Anglos lived in Texas as did Tejanos -In 1830, Mexico banned Anglo immigrants in Texas, building five forts to enforce it -Anglos were furious, some talked of separation, including Stephen Austin -Santa Anna, the new Mexican dictator refused to allow Mexico to be split Page 2 Unrest in Texas CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2 Texas Independence
-With growing strife in Texas, Santa Anna sent troop to take a cannon at Gonzales -When they failed to take the cannon, Santa Anna sent troops to occupy San Antonio -Mexican troops were routed by Texas volunteers—the Texans took cover in and defended an old mission called the Alamo -Mexicans shelled the mission for 12 days -Finally Santa Anna charged the Alamo -Mexican troops swarmed the mission, fighting hand-to-hand, they eventually overran the Texans -Only women and children survived Page 3 “Remember the Alamo” CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2 Texas Independence
-Sam Houston, general of the Texans, commanded forts be abandoned to avoid further massacres -Mexican troops captured fleeing Texas troops outside the fort at Goliad -Most (~350) were killed by firing squad -Upon hearing about the Goliad massacre, about 1,400 Texans volunteered for Houston’s army, swelling his ranks -Organizing a surprise attack of Santa Anna’s army, Houston charged on sleeping troops -The Texans killed 600 Mexican troops, losing only 9 themselves at the battle of San Jacinto Page 4 War with Mexico CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2 Texas Independence
-After capturing Santa Anna, Texans forced him to sign a peace treaty recognizing Texas as an independent nation Page 5 The Republic of Texas CHAPTER #14 Manifest Destiny SECTION #2 Texas Independence