Let’s continue reading Chapter Eight!
Extra credit available for attending one of the band performances Thursday at 3:30 ($2) Friday at 7 ($5) Homework: work on Symbolism/ P.O.V. Journals. PERIOD 2: Point of view journals (8) & symbolism journals (8) will be May 30 th PERIOD 4 & 6: Point of view journals (4) and symbolism journals (4) will be May 28 th Notes that will be collected on Friday: SOAPSTone Notes (March)– PERIOD 2 ONLY F451 Group Presentation notes (April)– PERIOD 2 ONLY Types of Persuasion (April)– all periods
Cool-down: Read over the pig massacre on page 135. Then pick out diction or imagery (3-6 words long) that you feel stick out to you for some reason. Write your diction or imagery phrase down on your cool-down and explain in a couple of sentences why you chose this passage. Afterwards, we will read the passages aloud in class, one by one, and hear what our class felt was important in the passage– our “massacre poetry”.
Reading 3.7 Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and symbolism, and explain their appeal. Reading 3.9 Explain how voice, persona, and the choice of a narrator affect characterization and the tone, plot, and credibility of a text.
QUESTION: If an outsider would have walked into our class during the reading of these passages, and did not know that we were talking about the killing of a pig, what do you think we might be talking about?
The killing of the pig is one symbolic action that I feel we must discuss, since it is one of the key actions in the book to help the readers understand what is becoming of the boys. The diction used to describe the pig massacre is describing more than just a killing– it is describing a lustful, passionate, highly sexualized act that many critics interpret as a symbolic rape. What in the description of the pig might make critics think that it represents a rape?
If the killing of the pig is supposed to be reminiscent of a rape scene, what is Golding’s message about these boys?
LORD OF THE FLIES Let’s continue reading Chapter Eight– “Gift for the Darkness”.