Nirmal Gyanwali M.Sc(IT) 3 rd sem
Introduction Blend of the term Web Log. a journal that is available on the web A frequent publication of personal thoughts, experiences, observations and Web links. Interaction with visitors via comments and links updated in reverse chronological order and intended for general public consumption. Created using specific publishing software
Where Did It Begin? Term “weblog” coined in 1997 by Jorn Barger then shortened to “blog” by Peter Merholz in Its precursors were AP Wire, Usenet, lists and bulletin boards. October Bruce Ableson launched Open Diary March 1999 – Brad Fitzpatrick started LiveJournal
Types of Blog Metablog (e.g., lists of links) Music and Video Politics GossipPhoto Personal archive Hobbies 4
Some Keywords in Blog ◦ Blogosphere -The online community of blogs and bloggers ◦ Blogging - activity of updating/maintaining articles in blog ◦ Blogger - someone who keeps a blog ◦ Blog posts/Entries/Posts - Individual articles on a blog ◦ Tags – label used to describe the content of web sites
Posts/Entries Title of Blog Anatomy of Blog Search Recent Posts Tags Author Info
How Did It Become So Popular? Oct1998 – Bruce’s Open Diary Mar1999 – Brad’s LiveJournal Other Factors: Political Influence 2003, Iraq War - “Baghdad Blogger – Salam Pax” Nepal 2001, Royal Massacre peoples' revolution of 62/63 Political Instability
Blogs Stats More than 133,000,000 blogs have been indexed by Technorati 77% of Internet users read blogs 72% say they blog in order to share their expertise. 61% say they blog in order to supplement their income. 53% of professional Bloggers are interested in attracting new clients from blogging 56% say that their blog has helped their company establish a positioning as a thought leader within the industry. 58% say that they are better-known in their industry because of their blog
So How Can They Be Used In Education? Instructors - posting content related information, networking or knowledge sharing, instructional tips, announcements etc Students - reflective journals, assignment submission, share resources University – recruiting tool, announcements
Purpose of a blog Distributing information - Providing an easy way to publish and access information Interaction- Giving people the ability to respond to the content of a blog posting via comments and links. This interaction is optional and depends on the purpose of the blog. Many bloggers choose to turn off the reader comments functionality of their blog.
Who’s Blogging? News, and political bloggers Personal journals and diaries ◦ For fun ◦ For personal and professional development Business/corporate blogger Organizational and project blogger ◦ For professional development ◦ For organizational knowledge management
IT Blogs
Where to Start! Some Popular Free Tools: www.
Summary Blogs are a simple way to keep up with current information and to publish your own information, experiences & thoughts easily A blog can be useful for countless reasons, so it's best to decide for yourself what your purpose in starting it is
Happy Blogging!