I shall pass through the world But once, If therefore There be any kindness I can show or Any good thing, I can do Let me do it now Let me not defer it Nor neglect for I shall not pass this way again ETIENNE DE GRELLET A firm foundation is necessary for any building, institution or Individual to endure: ELDE RUSSELL M. NELSON All the Participants
PROPOSED INSTITUTIONAL SETUP 1. State Level: State Level Nodal Agency. 2. District Level: District Watershed Development Unit. 3. Nodal Agency at Distt Level: Additional Deputy Commissioner(D) Project Implementing agency. Project Implementing agency. 3. Water Shed Level: WaterShed Development team.
STATE LEVEL NODAL AGENCY 1. Financial Commissioner Rural Development and Panchayat : Chairman 2. Financial Commissioner Development Pb. or nominee : Member 3. Representative from Ministry of Land Resources, Govt.of India : Member 4. Representative NRAA. : Member 5. Representative from Minister of Agriculture, Govt. of India : Member 6. Representative from NABARD : Member 7. Director Rural Development & Panchayats. : Member 8. Joint Development Commissioner( IRDP). : Member 9. Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Pb). : Member 10. Chief Conservator of Soils (Pb). : Member 11. Director Animal Husbandry (Pb). : Member 12. Director Water Resources (Pb). : Member 13. Head of Soil & Water PAU : Member 14. Representative NGO : Member 15. CEO/SLNA : Secretary (SLNA notified No. 2/08-IRD-2/7646 dated: 27:10:2009
FUNCTIONS OF STATE LEVEL NODAL AGENCY SLNA will sanction water shed project for State on the basis of approved state perspective & strategic plan as per procedure and over see all water shed projects in the state within the parameter set out in guidelines: SLNA will sanction water shed project for State on the basis of approved state perspective & strategic plan as per procedure and over see all water shed projects in the state within the parameter set out in guidelines: Review of overall progress Review of overall progress Addressing Management Issues. Addressing Management Issues. Providing Policy Directives Providing Policy Directives
District Watershed Development Unit. Chairperson : District Collector /Chairperson Zila Parishad District head of concerned line department : District head of concerned line department : Head of Krishi Vigyan Kander. Head of Krishi Vigyan Kander. President of Watershed Committee President of Watershed Committee 1. Two prominent Women Worker 1. Two prominent Women Worker 2. One Social Women. 2. One Social Women. Representative from State Remote Sensing Centre. Representative from State Remote Sensing Centre. NGO Representative. NGO Representative. Member Secretary : Head of Nodal Department Member Secretary : Head of Nodal Department. Frequency of Meetings : Once in a quarter. Frequency of Meetings : Once in a quarter.
FUNCTIONS OF DISTRICT WATERSHED To identify Project Implementing Agencies. To identify Project Implementing Agencies. Preparation of strategic and annual action of Watershed Development Preparation of strategic and annual action of Watershed Development projects. projects. Providing professional technical support to Project Implementing Agencies. Providing professional technical support to Project Implementing Agencies. Develop Action plans for capacity building. Develop Action plans for capacity building. Carry out regular monitoring & evaluation. Carry out regular monitoring & evaluation. Ensure smooth flow of fund Ensure smooth flow of fund Ensure timely & Submission of required documents to SLNA. Ensure timely & Submission of required documents to SLNA. Facilitate co-ordination between line department. Facilitate co-ordination between line department. Establish and maintain district level data cell and link it to State/ National Establish and maintain district level data cell and link it to State/ National Level Data Centre. Level Data Centre.
INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT AT PROJECT LEVEL PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY : SLNA has identified state department of soil and Water conservation as P.I.A. Role of PIA Technical guidance to W.C/G.P for preparation of development plan through Technical guidance to W.C/G.P for preparation of development plan through Participatory Rural Appraisal. Participatory Rural Appraisal. Under take community organization. Under take community organization. Trainings for village community. Trainings for village community. Supervise watershed development activities. Supervise watershed development activities. Inspect project account. Inspect project account. Encourage adoption low cost technology and built upon indigenous technical knowledge. Encourage adoption low cost technology and built upon indigenous technical knowledge. Review overall project implementation and set up institutional arrangement for post project Review overall project implementation and set up institutional arrangement for post project operation. operation. Shall submit action plan for water shed development project for approval to DWDU. Shall submit action plan for water shed development project for approval to DWDU. Submit progress report to DWDU. Submit progress report to DWDU. Arrangement for physical financial and social audit of works under taken. Arrangement for physical financial and social audit of works under taken. Mobilization of additional financial resources from other Government programme such as Mobilization of additional financial resources from other Government programme such as NAREGA, BRGF,SGRY. NAREGA, BRGF,SGRY.
WATER SHED DEVELOPMENT TEAM( WDT) Each WDT should have expert. AAAAgriculture SSSSoil Science WWWWater management SSSSocial Mobilization. IIIInstitutional Building
Guide watershed committee to form action plan. Guide watershed committee to form action plan. To assist G.P/ Gram Sabha in constitution of water shed committee. To assist G.P/ Gram Sabha in constitution of water shed committee. Formation of User Groups. Formation of User Groups. Formation of Self Help Groups. Formation of Self Help Groups. Conducting participatory base line survey, training and capacity builders. Conducting participatory base line survey, training and capacity builders. Preparing resource development plan. Preparing resource development plan. To promote sustainable development livelihood at house hold level. To promote sustainable development livelihood at house hold level. Common Property Resources Management and equitable sharing Common Property Resources Management and equitable sharing Preparation of Detail Project Report. Preparation of Detail Project Report. Engineering survey and cost estimate. Engineering survey and cost estimate. Measurement of work done. Measurement of work done. Development of livelihood opportunities for landless. Development of livelihood opportunities for landless. Maintain of accounts. Maintain of accounts. Arranging Physical, Financial and Social audit of work done. Arranging Physical, Financial and Social audit of work done. Post project operation arrangement. Post project operation arrangement.
WATER SHED COMMITTEE Gram Sabha will constitute water shed committee. Gram Sabha may appoint any suitable person as chairman of watershed committee. Total Number of members:10 8 No. represent from SHG,U.G should include 1 No represent fromS.C/S.T 1 No represent fromWomen 1 No represent fromWDT. 1 No represent fromPanchayat. Where water shed cover more than one panchayat separate Watershed Committee for each village. Where panchayat covers more than one village constitute sub committee for each village. Watershed Committee will open bank account for Watershed development funds.
SECRETARY WATERSHED COMMITTEE Gram Sabha will select Secretary of Watershed Committee in a meeting of Gram Sabha. Gram Sabha will select Secretary of Watershed Committee in a meeting of Gram Sabha. Paid functionary Paid functionary Work under direct supervision of president of Watershed Committee. Work under direct supervision of president of Watershed Committee.
FUNCTION OF SECRETARY OF WATERSHED COMMITTEE Convening meetings of Gram Sabha,G.P, Watershed Committee. Convening meetings of Gram Sabha,G.P, Watershed Committee. Follow up action of on all decisions taken in the meeting. Follow up action of on all decisions taken in the meeting. Maintenance of record. Maintenance of record. Ensuring Payments and other financial transactions. Ensuring Payments and other financial transactions. Signing Cheque jointly with WDT nominee on behalf of W.C. Signing Cheque jointly with WDT nominee on behalf of W.C.
ROLE OF GRAM PANCHAYAT. Supervise, advice to Watershed Committee from time to time. Supervise, advice to Watershed Committee from time to time. Authenticate account statement of Watershed Committee. Authenticate account statement of Watershed Committee. Facilitate the convergence of various projects to Watershed development project. Facilitate the convergence of various projects to Watershed development project. Provide office accommodation to Watershed Committee Provide office accommodation to Watershed Committee
TYPE OF BANK ACCOUNTS TO BE OPENED AT WATERSHED LEVEL. Project fund account : Watershed Committee Project fund account : Watershed Committee Watershed development fund : President G.P and member of SHG.. Watershed development fund : President G.P and member of SHG...
BANK ACCOUNT TO BE OPENED SLNA:JDC/CEO DWDU:ADC(D)/CEO Z/P PIA:DSCO WC:Project account President W.C operated by Secretary & WDT Member. WDF:President G.P & SHG member. member.
I shall pass through the world But once, If therefore There be any kindness I can show or Any good thing, I can do Let me do it now Let me not defer it Nor neglect for I shall not pass this way again ETIENNE DE GRELLET A firm foundation is necessary for any building, institution or individual to endure: ELDE RUSSELL M. NELSON All the Participants