Revision: 3Effective Date: 10/12/13Version: 1.0 Doc. No: FET/LMC-02 REQUISITION FOR SENDING OUT EQUIPMENT FOR REPAIR (FLOWCHART) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Start 1. Requestor fills the information in the form (FA- AD3.2003, obtainable from Intranet) and submit to ALO for verification. End 5. ALO handovers the completed form to the Requestor while copies are made for Fixed Asset unit and Security. ALO to Dean / LMC Chairman, Lab Engineer, Requestor and respective supervisors on the matter. 4. ALO seeks acknowledgement from Fixed Asset Unit and Security Unit. 2. ALO accepts request? No Yes No 3. Dean approves? Yes 6. Requestor proceeds the handover of equipment to vendor for repair. Legend:- ALO: FET Asset Liaison Officer 7. Vendor to return the equipment to requestor after repair. 8. Requestor satisfied with the repair job? Yes No 9. Requestor decides to take further action on the vendor – needs to liaise with Faculty.
Ref. No.DescriptionForm / ReportPerson In-charge 1Requestor fills the information in the form (FA-AD3.2003) which is obtainable from Intranet and submit the form to ALO for verification. Some short and necessary info such as:- the type of fault, company in-charge of the repair, type of repair (under warranty or need to pay), etc to be stated on the form. Relevant attachment is recommended. (For teaching labs items, needs acknowledgement by Lab Supervisor. Others depends on condition.) Form:- Declaration For Damage / Repair / Lost / Stolen of Asset Form (FA- AD3.2003) Requestor, ALO 2ALO will verify the request if its acceptable and complete. ALO to physically see the equipment concerned prior to verifying the form. ALO 3Once the form is verified, ALO sends it to the Dean for approval.ALO 4.Upon approval obtained by Dean, ALO submits the requisition to Fixed Asset unit and Security unit for acknowledgement. Personals from these two units may want to see the equipment before acknowledging. ALO 5.Once form acknowledged by the respective units, ALO would handover the form back to requestor. An with the required information pertaining to this requisition would be sent by ALO to the Dean / LMC Chairman, Requestor, Lab Supervisor, Lab Engineer and respective Supervisor (if applicable for other then teaching lab) to inform that the application has been approved. ALO 6.Requestor may then proceed to send the equipment for repair and some form of documentation from the vendor / company its encourage and may be necessary during collection of the faulty equipment. A copy of the form is to be submitted to the security personnel manning the gate post upon the equipment exiting the MMU premises. Requestor 7.Vendor to return equipment once repair work is completed and Requestor to notify ALO.Requestor 8.Requestor to perform check on the repaired equipment and get vendor to rectify any short comings before signing on the invoice. Upon requestor satisfied with the repaired equipment, ALO to verify the returned equipment in terms of its completeness (in quantity) and status. Requestor, ALO 9.Requestor may decide to take action on the vendor by making official report to Faculty, if not satisfy with the outcome of the repaired equipment or condition made by vendor upon delivery. Requestor Revision: 3Effective Date: 10/12/13Version: 1.0 Doc. No: FET/LMC-02 SENDING EQUIPMENT FOR OUTSIDE REPAIR REQUISITION (FLOWCHART) FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY