Using Flowcharts
Sample Flowchart (without text) 2
Terminator Starts and ends a process Only one flow, either departing or entering START STOP 3
Process Contains calculation or process Can contain a sequence of consecutive operations Has a single flow entering and a single flow exiting Calculate average Sum = A+B+C Ave = Sum/3 4
Decision Condition whose result causes one of multiple calculations or processes Stated as question with only YES or NO as answer One flow entering and two flows exiting Is A > B? Yes No 5
Input/Output Read input or write output Only one operation, but can have multiple inputs or outputs One flow entering and one flow exiting Read A,B,C 6
Connector Brings together separate flows that are coming together to perform the same operation Multiple flows entering, one flow exiting Note there is no “disconnector” 7
Let us try an example 8 We want to build a program to calculate the salary of a finical consultant We need to read the working hours and hourly rate from the consultant Calculation: Hours*Pay Rate Output: the gross pay
Quiz : Draw Flowchart Let’s write a flowchart to detail the process of a user logging into a computer account What’s the first step? Determine input and output Input: userid and password Output: one of three situations: Accepted Incorrect userid Incorrect password Please use PowerPoint to finish this quiz and upload your answer to blackboard system. 9
So what are our steps? INPUT userid and password CALL check of userid DECISION: is userid valid? No, send message to user and exit Yes, continue CALL check of password, passing userid DECISION: OK? No, send message to user and exit Yes, send message of success and exit 10