Triggers of concern raised e.g. LA support visit Data analysis e.g. trends downwards/fallen below the floor Media/Parental/Councillor/MP complaint Other service areas raise concerns e.g. Exclusions, governance, HR, admissions, finance, SEN, Early Years Ofsted inspection/HMI monitoring visit,, Diocese/LA Review, Safeguarding * See Note QC to investigate further, (including HR if appropriate) informs ALSC of the outcomes and documents investigation on a visit note Is school adequately addressing concerns? Yes No further targeted action required, school monitored by QC through schedule of visits to review progress. HT, COG & Clerk of Governors notified of a Stage 1 investigation and the agreed actions. * note: dependant on concern/issue schools may move direct to Stage 3 or 4 No S&E Monitoring Officer records investigation outcomes on a register of concern, if the school surfaces 3 or more times, then the school may move to Stage 2 dependent on severity of concern. Key QC – Quadrant Commissioner ALSC – Assistant Lead Strategic Commissioner LSC – Lead Strategic Commissioner S&E – Standards & Excellence HT- Headteacher COG – Chair of Governors SCC – Schools Causing Concern
Can the school provide evidence of the ability and capacity to improve and address concerns? Is safeguarding secure? School monitored by QC through schedule of visits to review progress, follow up date set with the school. Formal alert to ALCA school placed on SCC register and place on SCC Steering Group Agenda, Resources agreed in Commissioning Plan including LLE/NLE/Con HT/ADG partnership school if appropriate. LA Review/stock take day triggered. Director for Education & Learning informed. Does the LA review/stocktake evidence significant progress and capacity for sustaining improvement within agreed timescales? No further targeted action required, School returns to Stage 1, HT, COG, Clerk to Governors notified of a Stage 2 investigation and the agreed actions. proforma completed for the register of concern Yes No Yes No QC investigates further, visit arranged to HT and COG. Inform ALSC that the concern has moved to Stage 2 and actions agreed to secure improvement within timescale appropriate to the improvement requirement.
ALSC to meet with HT/COG (and other agency where appropriate) to discuss growing concerns and agree solutions including additional resources to provide capacity for improvement. School receives confirmation of category of concern if not previously this category agreed at Stage 2. Diocese/Portfolio holder informed. Commissioning plan drawn up/revised and agreement with school about what the school is funding, LA commissioned,/targeted resources, actions, success criteria and milestones/timescales for improvement. Has the school demonstrated the ability and capacity to improve, address concerns and able to sustain improvement? Is safeguarding secure? No Yes No QC to continue to monitor against milestones through schedule of visits. QC reviews progress half- termly, follow up date set with the school No further interventions required, HT, CoG, Clerk to Governors notified of a Stage 3 investigation and the agreed actions. School returns to Stage 2. Proforma completed for the register of concern.
Director/ LSC / ALSC ‘call in’ HT/CoG to County Hall to outline expectations for rapid improvement, issue warning notice and discuss powers of intervention. Diocese/LA to appoint additional governors/NLE/Exec HT as required. Meeting to review progress is agreed within 6 weeks. Revise/agree commissioning plan, QC to monitor against milestones School monitored by QC through schedule of visits and reviews progress half-termly, follow up date set with the school, School returns to Stage 2. Proforma completed for the register of concern QC to continue to monitor against milestones until sufficient improvement made and concerns addressed. Review confirms warning notice no longer required. HT, CoG, Clerk to Governors notified of a Stage 4 investigation and the outcomes agreed. Director for Education & Learning decides whether powers of intervention are to be implemented. As a result of the Stocktake day/review (within 6 weeks) Does school have the ability and capacity to rapidly improve and address concerns? Is safeguarding secure? Has significant progress been made? Yes No Yes
Director for Education & Learning to confirm resources and personnel to support the school. LSC oversees the process and reports progress to the DfE. HT, CoG, Clerk to Governors notified of a Stage 5 investigation and the outcomes, resources and timescales agreed. Strategic LA Management/delegated authority confirms all service input, including Standards & Excellence Team, HT, CoG, Clerk to Governors notified of a Stage 5 investigation and the outcomes, resources and timescales, agreed. ALSC/ LSC meets with Director for Education & Learning to agree which structural solution is most appropriate including closure/federation/ Academy Director for Education & Learning confirms the intention and process to the CoG, HT and the Portfolio holder A joint review of provision will be undertaken with all schools in the area Is full delegation of budget withdrawn? Yes No Powers of intervention to be implemented communicated to School, Portfolio Holder, DfE/HMCI Ofsted Will an Interim Executive Board be established? Yes