CC Poland+ Innovation in Clean Coal Technologies CC Poland+ | EEC'2012 Katowice | Speaker: Tomasz Szmuc EEC2012, Katowice 15 May,
CC Poland+ | EEC'2012 Katowice | Speaker: Tomasz Szmuc CC Poland+ Clean Coal technologies and New Paradigme for Carbon Management AGH University of Science and Technology Jagiellonian University Silesian University of Technology Wrocław University of Technology Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal Central Mining Institute Crude oil production refining and distribution Oil and gas exploration production Production, distribution of energy Boilers manufacturer Manufacturer of chemicals 2
CC Poland+ | EEC'2012 Katowice | Speaker: Tomasz Szmuc European Energy SET-Plan CCT perspective 1.Advanced Fossil Fuel Power Generation 2.Bioenergy – Power and Heat Generation 3.Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power 4.Carbon Capture and Storage in Power Generation 5.Energy Efficiency and CO 2 Emission Reduction in Industry a.The Cement Industry b.The Iron and Steel Industry c.The Pulp and Paper Industry 3
CC Poland+ | EEC'2012 Katowice | Speaker: Tomasz Szmuc 1.Hybrid fuelled power and heat production and storage 2.Efficiency and exploitation parameters improvement of power plants 3.Development of supporting systems for unconvential gas exploration and exploitation 4.Carbon Capture, Storage, and Recycling Key thematic areas 4
CC Poland+ | EEC'2012 Katowice | Speaker: Tomasz Szmuc 5