Advertising Lesson
Website Construction A website is constructed to provide information to the public and to facilitate some form of business transaction. That transaction may be a purchase or transfer of information. How your website appears visually depends on the target audience and kinds of media contained in your site. Text, Graphics, and PicturesPagesHyperlinks What are the ingredients of a website?
Website Pre-Production Before you begin to create your website there are two kinds of drawings you must become familiar with:
Wireframe Thumbnail A wireframe thumbnail sketch is a plan for how your specific individual web page will look. Images are often represented by shapes with an X through them. Body text can be represented by wavy lines. Headlines and subheadings should be written in clearly.
An organization chart shows the overall structure of your entire chart. The chart shows each page in your site broken down into sections and how the pages will link together. In website design and development the organizational chart will sometimes be referred to as a flowchart.
What items should you have in order to construct your own website? You will see to the side of this slide a listing of things you should have completed to this point. If you have not done so, you are in serious jeopardy of not achieving a passing status in this course. Computer Contract Digital Artwork Your biography essay should be a three paragraph essay that explains your: 1.Personal Heritage (History) 2.Academic Goals 3.Academic Achievements 4.Professional Goals 5.Specific Plans for Success
FOUR (4) Assignments for Today 1. Take a blank sheet of paper and create an organizational chart that shows the breakdown of the site: (2 levels) 2. Create a thumbnail of how you would like your home page to look on the back of the same sheet of paper. 3. COMPLETE a personal autobiography essay Complete the study sections INCLUDING the quiz for Computer Skills Skills and Web Skills located on this site: You will be tested on Thursday using questions from the three quizzes and your lessons about web design 4 Aim: How are websites constructed?