GCSE PROJECT GUIDELINES Use this presentation to make sure you have the correct content for you project - click on
CONTENTS Description of the Problem Investigation & Analysis of Problem and Specification of Solution Design of the Solution Review of Resources Data Collection, Data Capture and Input Data Verification and Validation Data and Program Structures
CONTENTS - cont Output Format Testing of the Solution Documentation of the Solution Evaluation of the Solution Printouts
Description of the Problem Describe the Company/Business – make it seem real. State: what it does where it is who works there number of employees how long established management structure etc State the nature of the problem Explain: what they do at the moment in relation to the nature of the problem explain why this is a problem (give specific examples that have caused problems) give an outline of what they want to take the present systems place and give reasons why n Give reasons why you think this is a suitable problem for you to tackle
Investigation & Analysis of Problem and Specification of Solution Evidence of Investigation usually in the form of a completed questionnaire, which should: Be answered by someone in the company Give you all the information to be able to draw up a solution for your problem Investigation Report This is a summary of the questionnaire and states what the questionnaire has revealed Analysis Bubble Diagram This is a diagram of wants. It should show what you have learnt from the investigation and therefore what you think the company wants to solve their problem.
Investigation & Analysis of Problem and Specification of Solution - cont. Specification n This should be in the form of bullet points and show what the solution should achieve in all areas of the problem. It should: n List all recommendations and wants with examples in specific areas i.e. Databases DTP etc. n Be detailed enough to be followed by someone else should you leave the project. THIS SHOULD/WILL FORM THE BASIS OF YOUR TESTING LATER IN THE PROJECT SO NEEDS TO BE DETAILED. Evaluation Criteria n This should be in the form of bullet points and should describe how you will evaluate your solution once you have finished the project. You should look at it in 2 ways: n How will you judge the solution after your testing has been finished n How will you judge the solution in a years time THIS SHOULD/WILL FORM THE BASIS OF YOUR EVALUATION LATER IN THE PROJECT SO NEEDS TO BE DETAILED
Design of Solution Written explanation of your design – justifying all decisions using the following format: Hardware – what you will need for the solution to work Software - what you will need for the solution to work Data needed for the solution to work What data will you need – give specific details, names of fields etc How will you collect the data How will it be input into the system How will old/existing info be transferred How will data be protected – validation/verification and security Outputs – screen and printed Security arrangements for info and computers New Jobs/Responsibilities – if any Training – methods of THE ABOVE WILL PROVIDE THE BASIS FOR ALL THE SECTIONS TO COME SO NEEDS TO BE VERY DETAILED AND JUSTIFIED. GIVE EXAMPLES WHEREVER NECESSARY OR ABLE TO
Design of Solution - cont. Spider Diagram Showing the above in one clear diagram Hierarchical Diagrams of all software programs and tasks Broken down into separate diagrams for each software application. System Flowchart for main software application i.e. either a database for project 1 or spreadsheet for project 2 ALL DIAGRAMS NEED TO CLEAR AND HAVE A TITLE AND EXPLANATION OF WHAT THEY SHOW
Review of the Resources This section must show a detailed and justified choice of both hardware and software Hardware State what the company has already – give detailed specification. State what you need for the solution to work – talk about speed of processor; memory capacity; peripherals etc Make recommendations about the hardware you will select. You need to provide a detailed comparison of other hardware or provide a full and justified account of your reasoning. Software State what the company has already – give detailed specification. State what you need for the solution to work – talk about the program requirements related to your design and specification Make recommendations about the software you will select. You need to provide a detailed comparison of other programs or provide a full and justified account of your reasoning.
Data Collection, Data Capture and Input Data Collection State what information you will be using for your solution State where you will get the above information from Justify the above statements Data Capture How will you capture your information – which format will you use Who will capture the information If you are using a DCF to capture the information show it and justify its design and layout Justify the above statements Data Input How will you input your data – which method will be used Who will input the information Where will this take place What about the transfer of existing data Justify the above statements
Data Verification and Validation Verification Definition of verification from Letts List examples of different methods and relate to your solution Explain how you will do it. Make sure you justify all decisions Validation Definition of validation from Letts List examples of different methods and relate to your solution Explain how you will do it. Make sure you justify in detail all decisions in the form of a table
Data and Program Structures This should be in the form of a table. It must have a title and an explanatory paragraph.
Data and Program Structures - cont For Databases You must state why the field is positioned where it is. This can be referenced with the section on Data Capture State why you have made the field that particular size, i.e. what is it expected to have in it State why you have made the field that particular format, i.e. what is it expected to have in it For Spreadsheets You must state why the cell/s are positioned where it is. This can be referenced with the section on Data Capture State why you have made the cell/s that particular size, i.e. what is expected to go in it State why you have made the cell/s that particular format, i.e. what is expected to go in it
Output Format This section should include examples of all outputs - printouts and screen State the purpose of each output Explain the design Show the DCF and include an explanation of its layout etc Show a screen shot of the outputs from the spreadsheet model – graphs, screen view etc and include an explanation of its layout etc Justify its inclusion in the project
Testing of Solution State what you will test This should be determined by your specification in the INVESTIGATION section. You must refer to this. You must test everything. Everything above and every validation check for each field/cell Design Test Data This should show the above It should allow you to forecast the results Predict the outcomes of your tests This should cover all tests It should be mentioned in the order that you will carry the tests out It should be comprehensive Tests The tests should be carried out and results recorded either as printouts or screen shots The tests should be referenced so that you can refer to them in the evaluation section
Documentation of the Solution User Guide Should be designed for novice Should refer specifically to your solution Must explain ‘jargon’ i.e. sort search Must include screenshots of your solution Technical Information In the form of a PowerPoint presentation Must include technical information – i.e. specification of hardware and software: capabilities of the solution Include a SYSTEM FLOWCHART that is fully explained
Evaluation of the Solution Tests Go through the tests one at a time and state if they were successful or not – refer to them by index number Explain the limitations of your solution refer to the tests that went wrong and give reasons why Point out any failings in the software that you chose Success or Failure Judge your solution on the criteria that you have set yourself Refer to the Specification of the solution and the Evaluation Criteria Refinements What would you change next time round – suggest improvements for the future – software and hardware What do you need to do to make the solution better