Lab 1 Part 2: Concept Maps IAT 106 Spatial Thinking and Communicating Fall 2013
M2.2 IAT 106 Lab1 Part 2 overview: (FUN ) 1.Develop a concept map. Use objects, space, operations 2.Use LEGO Digital Designer to model, digitally, a two-gimbal system 3.Build your Gimbal system using physical Lego bricks
M2.3 IAT 106 Concept Maps A concept map is just a particular kind of drawing or diagram that shows “concepts” and relationships among them –Concepts usually shown in boxes or bubbles –Relationships are shown as arrows with labels that tell the type of relationship. Doctor patient treats
M2.4 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps Concept maps can be used as a tool to help apply spatial thinking to represent and analyze a given system and its elements. Concept maps represent systems visually: collection of concepts (words and/or pictures) with relationships between concepts shown as lines on a diagram. relationship eg’s: "connected to" (A is-connected-to B), "works for" (David works-for Mary) "has” (School has Departments) David Mary Works for
M2.5 IAT 106 Concept Map A concept map is a diagram showing concepts, and relationships among them. Relationships are shown as arrows with labels indicating the kind of relationship. Car Engine Transmission Steering wheel has an Fuel System has four turns has a controls direction pumps fuel to connected to moves has a Wheel
M2.6 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps Start: draw & name a key element in the situation you are considering – use a single word or short descriptive phrase –Best if it’s the core idea you are trying to explore e.g. plan a trip, central thing you are trying to accomplish, or main problem you are trying to solve. add other elements related to the central idea –arrows between elements –relation name on arrow
M2.7 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps Relations can be sequential, as in: Element A happens before Element B Buy software Install software
M2.8 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps Relations can also be compositional, as in: Element A is composed of Element C and Element D car chassis engine
M2.9 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps Relations could even be metaphoric, as in : Element A reminds me of Element E. sand beach
M2.10 IAT 106 Drawing Concept Maps arrows show associations among elements, concepts, ideas in your drawing. Arrows explain how you think the parts fit together Each item you add will suggest other relationships associated with it.
M2.11 IAT 106 Concept Map eg: Plan a Trip Many elements associated with planning a trip come to mind--a concept map lets us relate them and consider them in one whole image. As we look at it, we think of things we have forgotten, or the elements in the map remind of new things we should include in our planning
M2.12 IAT 106 Concept Map eg: a High School Some of the ‘concepts’ in ‘concept-maps’ may seem a bit strange still …. So …. Let’s do one together You all know about High Schools! You were just in one for at least 3 years So let’s make a concept map of a HS and how it works: –Components are …???... –Relations are …???...
M2.13 IAT 106 Types of Concept Maps Source: Central theme or unifying factor placed in center Outwardly radiating sub- themes surround it. Info shown in descending order of importance. Most important info on top. Distinguishing factors determine info placement Like a flowchart (linear ordering, precedence) but with inputs & outputs
M2.14 IAT 106 Concept Maps are graphical representations! Remember, concept maps are just graphical representations (i.e., descriptions) of how a bunch of things relate to one another And How the collection works as a complex system -E.g., car -E.g., high school -Gimbal map -…
M2.15 IAT 106 Uses of Concept Maps Transfer of expert knowledge Communicating complex ideas and arguments (ie creating a shared vision and/or shared understanding within your head or within your team) –To yourself as you build it –To others so they can understand and help build/sell/… it
M2.16 IAT 106 Uses of Concept Maps Concept maps have been formalized as the dataflow graphs of many CAD systems. In these graphs, nodes are design objects and relationships show how one object depends on another. If you use CAD, you will eventually use these graphs.
M2.17 IAT 106 GenerativeComponents (Bentley)
M2.18 IAT 106 Grasshopper (Rhino)