Purchase Module Corrugation Planned Flow of the Software # 001 = Purchase Requisition (PR) and PR Approval
File Covers the next cell of this flow chart Purchase indent Indent Approval Purchase Order PO checking PO Approval Gate Entry Quantity MRR QualityExcise Bill Passing Payment
Flow Chart – Purchase to Pay Purchase indent Indent Approval
Select Purchase & Procurement Module
As we click on ERP Common option a small POP-Up comes in front of you with some option as you see Make Purchase Indent via use of this button
Select “New” to Create a New PR
As we Click on New a pop-up come to ask the department for the indent or request
Method 1 : First select the Groups ( as shown here ) Then subgroup Then, item You can select the Item for PR here
Second option : Subgroup Free Google/Grid Search we can see all the Item on the screen, now select any 1
Select more items, one by one As desired
Fill the details like Item name Quantity, any remarks you want to give, desired date, Shows the current stock Pending Purchase requisitions Pending purchase orders Press “SAVE” Any Remarks if you want to give can also be Done And Now Click on “Save” button to Save the PR
Printout of Purchase Indent/Request
Next Half Print of Purchase Indent
Next Now Indent goes for approval
To process of your requirement concerned Head of Department needs to “approve” that PR. For this Click on Purchase & Procurement Module
Select the Approval System After Approval System Select the PR Approval for approving the pending PR
You can select period to see pending PR, And You can select the party and item too
You can see the print preview of that PR by click on their PR no.
You have the Choice to REFUSE In that case, noting the reason for rejection is a “MUST” Before approve you can check Item available in store, pending PR, PO and other records
Here you can check Item available in store, pending PR, PO and other records